Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Morning Ride

It's not often that I'm up before the sun, but I'm out for an early morning ride as I go on an exploration to find my lost gear. I've got a couple of hours to get there and want to be able to look before it gets too hot as the day will be mid 90's with Missouri's normal humidity.

I am a little surprised that I still managed the early wake up without an alarm. I guess the internal body clock is still functioning well when it needs to.

My plan is to stop on the way out of town for some coffee at Starbucks before getting on the road, but I don't plan on taking my new laptop since I would have to leave it with the bike for an extended period of time. I can lock the motorcycle and have an alarm for it, but I don't have locking saddlebags.

Since I have endured enough in the way of loss recently, I'll leave my new laptop at home.
After pricing some of the magic stuff for replacement, I have some additional incentive to find my stuff. Accumulating things over time is much easier than buying it all at once!

If you have a few prayers or good fortune to send my way, I am in need of all the help I can get!

In any case, the day will not be wasted as I will at least get to enjoy a couple hundred miles of riding.

Be well,
John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

You too John! Have a great day. Enjoy!

Mike said...

Good luck on finding your stuff. Maybe it will magically appear!

Deena said...

Sounds like fun!