Friday, June 07, 2013

A Couple of Oldies

Hopedale's Children's Camp begins in a few hours. As I am finishing up preparing for my part of the weekend, I was once again thinking about how I ended up as camp pastor for the past decade+ of a children's camp. For those of you that haven't been following Out of My Hat since its beginning, here is a post from seven years ago (just after I started blogging) about how I feel about working with kids. If you are a parent of one of the kids going to camp this year, you might want to wait until next week to read it.

The post that followed was also a pretty good one, so I'll give it an encore link as well.

Pray for me.
In a few hours I'll be with 85 (or so) kids from 2nd to 6th grade.
Pray for them, too.

John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Definitely you got my prayers, John!

John A Hill said...

Thank you, Angel!