Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom

No cute meme or inspirational quote for today's Wednesday Wisdom post, just a bit of friendly advice -- Be flexible.

Today I skipped my normal routine. I was supposed to go into Springfield for an early morning tour of the Child Advocacy Center, but opted out and enjoyed the gentle rain while drinking my coffee on the deck. I also skipped scrolling on my computer while I read for a couple of hours and finished reading my latest library book, David Baldacci's The 6:20 Man.
I have a few books ready to read and may opt for a non-fiction next. Maybe I'll go back to reading more than one book at a time.

I do realize that I have the privilege of being more flexible than most. My mornings are pretty routine and today wasn't vastly different from most days, but I do hope to spend way less time on social media in the coming days and weeks. I have enjoyed spending more time reading over that past several weeks, especially when it is too hot to be active outside. Reading for education instead of entertainment is something that I need to add to my day, and cutting time on social media will help with that.

Another flexibility thing --
I'm not always at my best around people, but I have been working on it. Maybe I need some semi-regular outings or encounters with people. It is sometimes difficult to convince myself to leave the quiet and comfort of the deck. People encounters are mostly pretty meaningless as they are usually with clerks at stores or something. I rarely meet with people for genuine conversation. 
I should probably be more flexible about that even though it is a lot of work for me.

I struggle to find volunteer things to do because volunteering usually means doing something that meets the needs of other people, and it's being around people that keeps me on the deck.
I know -- I need to take my own advice and be more flexible!

This turned out to be way more than I was planning on writing for today. Flexibility is sometimes just going with flow. I hope you are managing to flow through your week. Maybe I'll see you for Thursday Theology; maybe I won't. I'll see how flexible I am tomorrow.


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