Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trying to Understand the Chaos


I am working my way through reading the very wordy Project 2025.
I've really just started and am so confused by the words and strategies that seem to come out of it. So much of what is included -- just in the Forward -- seems like gaslighting on a major scale. In many cases, one could interchange progressive and conservative and little would change. The things that the conservative writers seem to take issue with and their solutions to combat those things are often the same. 
They don't like liberal administrations using Executive Orders, but want to give more power to conservative administrations to -- wait for it -- have more power to use Executive Orders. 
They want to do away with or severely limit trade with China, but we saw our last president's daughter make several business deals with the Chinese during his administration.
They rail against the dangers of Big Tech, yet have a VP candidate that is funded by Big Tech.
They call for following the Constitution in its entirety, but they seem to support a candidate that boldly proclaims that parts of the Constitution don't apply.

I'm just getting into the main body of it and am pretty confused by what they seem to want as far as a method of governance and the methods that they want to achieve that. They seem to run counter to each other. I can see where some of this can easily have a positive and misleading spin and have to admit that it is difficult to read this without my own biases screaming, "Bullshit!" at every page. 
It's going to take me some time to get through this. I'd like to just read it straight through, but to maintain my sanity and process it properly I am going to need to break it into manageable chunks of reading.

I suppose I could just go with whatever the news media tells me, but the spin one way or the other is too much to really get a feel for what they say. Conservatives say that without implementing Project 2025 our democracy is doomed. Progressives say that if we allow Project 2025 to be implemented our democracy is doomed. 

My Wednesday Wisdom advice:
Read it for yourself or be extremely careful about who you trust to read it for you and explain what it says and what that means.

Be informed and vote.



John A Hill said...

I should note that I have yet to hear conservative candidates openly support Project 2025. I find that disturbing.

Mike said...

They want you to be confused so they can say "You just don't understand."