Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom -- a question

A recent Facebook post asked the question -- What is the first thing you notice about someone?

So -- What is the first thing you notice about someone?

It's weird, but for me it is their energy.
I've never really considered myself to be an empath. I certainly am not very empathetic. But as I have become more contemplative I have also become more aware of the energy that comes off of other people. I don't see it in weird colors or anything like that, it's just a feeling -- like a frequency vibration. Some frequencies resonate in a very positive, uplifting way; some are more negative. Some are healing, while others are hurting. Some are very guarded and cautious, some are afraid.

Oftentimes I can sense when a person's energy level is low and needs to be recharged. Some people are energy thieves -- they steal energy from others without consent. There are always takers, givers, and those that simply share with others.
I think there are energy frequencies that go well together like sound frequencies that harmonize to make chords or musical patterns. Some, not so much.

Some people make you feel better just by being around them. 
Others you tend to avoid.
Sometimes you can feel that energy just by reading their words, sensing their virtual presence, or even thinking about them. When those are positive experiences, you have found your people.

On a side note,
I know there is a difference between sensing feelings like an empath and understanding feelings as in having empathy. And I don't really know if this energy thing is a characteristic of an empath or just some bullshit that I've made up in my head to explain why I am drawn to certain people and not to others.

Anyway, that was my answer. It probably wasn't what they were expecting.
What's yours?
What is the first thing you notice about someone?


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