Monday, May 20, 2024

The Value of Presence

I received a pretty cool text message yesterday morning. It came from a friend that missed seeing me at church yesterday morning. The thing is, I was there and had actually been looking to see if he was there, as well. I had slipped out at the end of the Q & A time, but was waiting to see him as he exited when I read his text.

There are a few people that I really do enjoy being in their presence. There seems to be a healing or uplifting energy about them that impacts the people around them (at least it does that for me). I think that maybe there is a kind of frequency harmony between their energy vibe and mine that just feels right. 
Do you have people like that in your life?
Maybe you are that person to someone else?

It isn't always easy to know what kind of impact your presence has on other people. (And by impact it might be something small like just feeling a little better after a brief encounter.) Although there have been a few people that have expressed something like that to me, it is nice to think that there may be others, too.
And maybe it isn't an energy thing. Maybe it has more to do with being kind or just having a gentle and loving spirit. Maybe it has to do with listening and caring. 
Maybe not. Gentle, loving, and caring aren't typically listed in my strong suits.

I am a hugger. I think that hugging is the best way to share, give, or even take energy if that's what's needed. Not everyone feels that way. Sometimes a simple handshake, fist bump or pat on the back will do, or even just a nod or smile to acknowledge each other's presence.

Sometimes the downside to presence is just having to be around people.



John A Hill said...

Btw, I sometimes get a similar boost from certain people that post on social media. These are usually people that I've never met, but still appreciate their virtual presence. Does that energy vibe work in the virtual world, too?

Mike said...

Hugs are physically healing but they need to last at least six seconds. I think I posted something about that. I checked but couldn't find it. It must be a link I posted.

John A Hill said...

Mike, I think they're supposed to be like 20 or 30 seconds for healing benefits.