Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday Meditation

Learning to quiet the mind and engage in fruitful meditation takes practice. The link between mind and body is real. A stressed body can make meditation more difficult and a strong mind can relieve the stresses that impact the health of the body.
The Eastern world has been aware of this for centuries, while the West is just learning that the two practices go hand in hand. From the East we get mindful physical practices (like yoga and Tai chi) that bring the body and mind into a harmonious practice.

My thoughts this morning seemed to be focused on the fact that I have greatly neglected the physical part of my health and need to do something about it. Just being more active would be a step in the right direction. 
Speaking of steps, my past practice of daily walking has long since vanished and I find it difficult to motivate myself to re-engage in it, An old friend used to tell me that movement is motivation -- you just have to get started. Maybe I'll go with that.
Walking and meditation work well together. I could bring my mala and make it a mindful practice or just pop in my earbuds and listen to some good music while I walk my way to better health.

That's it.
I'll finish my writing, finish my coffee, and I'll take a walk and continue my meditation.

Do you have a regular practice for your physical health?
Do tell.


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