Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday Motivation: I Need Help!

No clever meme or pithy saying for this week's Monday Motivation.
No, I think we (at least I) need more than that.

Many of us are currently pretty isolated. It may due to a local ordinance, a statewide mandate, or it may even be self-imposed. For us, our contact with others is limited to our phones and social media forums.
Damn, there's a lot of negative crap there!
I think we (I) can do better.

I get it. There's a lot of negative crap going on right now.
But let's face it; my liking your post (or you liking mine) bashing some government officials for poor response or inaction isn't going to change their response or action. It may give us some cozy feeling of togetherness, but mob togetherness isn't really what we need.
I'm all for information that helps us to recognize the severity of our situation. Even news that is not necessarily good news is welcome if it informs and persuades us to right action.

Even though there are lots of thoughts in my head about this, let me get to the point.
I'm feeling motivated to be encouraging to those that are isolated and to encourage those that aren't isolating themselves to do so.
I am going to try to refrain from negative posts and comments on social media. You have my permission to call me out if I mess up.

I don't know if I can motivate you to do the same, but it might make Facebook and other platforms a safer place for those that are isolated and feeling depressed or anxious about their situation.
Please consider it.

One week
Monday to Monday
Let's give it a try.

PS: If you're in, feel free to share this on your page and invite others to join us.

1 comment:

Duckbutt said...

Right on, John Hill! All of us need to get together on this. I'm afraid we're in for a long slough. Coronavirus is the real enemy, not each other!