Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coping with Isolation

These are strange times, indeed. So many of us are isolating ourselves and many more are under shelter-in-place orders. I know that it is more difficult for some than it is for others, especially for those that are alone.

-I've seen videos of people "visiting" people confined to nursing homes by dropping by with a message displayed outside their window.
-There is a popular actor that is writing poetry in her isolation and she is sharing it on Instagram.
-A couple of local musicians are posting living room videos of themselves playing and singing.
-My daughter, daughter in-law, and others have been sewing masks for individual friends and healthcare workers.
-A friend is posting a daily video teaching how to make a variety of cocktails.
-A couple of people are posting simple meal videos.
-Local churches are coming up with creative ways to minister to our unsheltered friends.

Our temporary home is located on a walking trail, so we get outside for a walk every now and then. We also make the occasional drive to check on the progress of our new home. It's coming along. We should be sheltering in place in a much larger place by this time next month.

How are you coping or helping others to cope?
Any good ideas to share?


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