Friday, July 19, 2019

I'm well. Thank-you.

I'm well.
That is my standard response to the common greeting "How are you?"
Well is an adverb and describes my state of being.
Good is an adjective and describes a thing -- I'm a good person, or That's a good cookie.

I get that "I'm good" is a more common and accepted response and I accept it without thinking anything about it, but there are other common errors that kind of bug me and cause me to figuratively cringe on the inside.

Literally vs figuratively
The misuse of literally has become so common that virtually and figuratively now appear as definitions for literally in most dictionaries.

Less vs fewer
Less is for a measured amount. Fewer describes a counted amount.
There are fewer days in a week than there are in a month.
I care less about well vs good than about less vs fewer.

What are your linguistic pet peeves?
Just wondering...

John <><

1 comment:

Mike said...

I can't think of any but I know I have some.