Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Heavy-hearted, Helpless and Hopeless

There have been many days in the past few months when I've sat before my keyboard wanting to write but felt too helpless and to hopeless to actually manage to begin tapping something out. It is not possible to put into words just how much despair I feel as I consider the state of hatred and division in this country (US).

The fear mongering tactics of our current leadership has divided families, churches, and communities. We see and hear hatred from our president and it gives encouragement for others to express hatred. Non-violent pacifists try to overcome the hate with love, but hate is always so much louder and attention grabbing. Hate dominates the news. Hate breeds haters. Hate spreads even where love quietly works.

So --
How can we love loudly?

I once thought that if we expose lies and shine a light on hatred that we could put an end to it. I was wrong. Liars just lie more and haters love the attention. In an age where we have access to so much information, people choose to remain ignorant and consistently seek out sources that reinforce their beliefs rather than searching for the truth. Outlets that expose lies are mocked, called biased, and ignored by those that would rather believe the lie than change their minds. I have never known a time when people are so afraid of other people.

I am sad for what we have become and uncertain that it will change anytime soon.
I know loving people.
I see loving actions.
I read loving stories.

But the fear
the hate
is everywhere.
And it is loud.

I always think that love must become louder than hate, but that's not the way of love. In the Christmas song O Little Town of Bethlehem, there is a line that says, "How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given..."
That is the way of love -- silent and purposeful.
If we can't love louder, maybe we need to love more.
Maybe we are not as helpless and life is not as hopeless as it seems.

Honestly, my heart is still heavy
but perhaps, there is hope.
Perhaps, there is love.

John <><


MikeyP said...

Great message, Brother. Keep 'em coming!!! I share the same despair, but your words help!!!

Mike said...

"Liars just lie more and haters love the attention."
Boy, is this the sad truth.

Cloudia said...

Wow! So thoughtful