Thursday, May 12, 2016

Throttle Thursday

Wait! This is Thursday, right?
Truthfully, I often have to check my phone to know what day it is. It's a lost, yet freeing kind of feeling...kinda weird, though.

Anyways, I've been banned from the house today. Chris has hired a friend to come and clean, so I've been told that I have to find something to do for a few hours. I slept in a bit (Cardinals are on the west coast and didn't finish until past midnight) and decided to begin the day by checking the motorcycle out and going out for coffee.

I am seated at the Classic Rock Coffee Co. in Springfield and have just finished a good breakfast sandwich and am enjoying an Americano while listening to -- get this -- Classic Rock(!) and taking care of the morning blogging/net surfing/whatever.
Classic Rock and coffee are a fine way to start any day!
Part of my banishment time will find me working on outlining camp messages for the three June kids' camps that are on the schedule, but I have a feeling that most of the time will be spent in the saddle of the Vulcan Classic and so I have declared today to be Throttle Thursday!

I also need to spend a little time picking up a couple of pairs of jeans. I have a feeling that I'll be wearing jeans more often and shorts less often this summer due to riding. I'm thinking maybe I'll go with black denim ... maybe.
I did purchase a new helmet this week and may be looking for a different riding jacket for the summer. Riding at 85f (30c) with the jacket isn't bad. It is nicely vented and so the airflow keeps me comfortable. I don't know how much warmer will still be comfortable. It heats up quickly when at a stoplight or at lower speeds. Imagine 85, sunny, on asphalt, wearing a jacket, and sitting over a hot running engine!
The helmet's airflow is also comfortable when riding and gets hot quickly at a standstill or at slower speeds. As a general practice, I ride with the face shield up when I'm in town and down on the highway.

Okay, time for another cup of coffee and then I'll fuel up and hit the road!
Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up!

John <><


Mike said...

It's Friday now.... right? Just repeat what you did yesterday.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Classic rock and coffee sounds like the makings of a nice morning! But I get mine before work. :-(