Thursday, October 07, 2021

No Comment

"No comment."
It's the simple non-response response.
I was thinking of doing the social media dump, but know that I'm just kidding myself. 

Yeah, I know I could abandon it and not feel any negative impact, but there are definitely parts of it I would miss. I'm thinking of going into "lurker" mode. You know--reading, but not posting or commenting.
Social media really a lazy way to stay connected to people and the connection is mostly an illusion anyway.

In one of my past "friends" purges I dropped people that I saw on a regular basis. Facebook had become the substitute for actually conversing with people. Now I rarely have any in person contact with people, so it may be more of a connection than it once was, but not really. I think it's still an excuse to vent, comment, and post opinions and think that we can do so without consequence. I doubt there is a way to keep the beneficial aspects of social media and restrict the negative ones.

I'll probably keep sharing blog posts and maybe some pics, but I think you'll be seeing less from me. I'll most likely be on Twitter more than other platforms. I'm there at @magicianary. Even though "magicianary" is my identity on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it isn't a very good name for me anymore. It's kind of weird explaining it to people that didn't really know me as a preaching magician.

In any case, I'm going to fade (temporarily, at least) from the social media scene. If you are local, hit me up for coffee, beer, lunch, or whatever and we can catch up in person. If you're not local and want to chat, call me, email, or send a message. I'm not difficult to find.



Mike said...

Maybe I'll find you sitting in Ted Drews parking lot.

John A Hill said...

I'll be sure to call you.