Well, this happened this week
The 24 titles include an eight book series, two of seven books, and one of four books--each series counted as one title.. That adds 22 more books to make it 46 on Kindle plus the actual books read.
I realize that I read very little compared to many avid readers, but this is a bit of a big deal to me. It has been a long time since I've been a regular reader.
I read on different reader sites that many people still shun electronic readers for reading an actual book. I've become a big fan of the Kindle app on my phone and to a lesser degree, my tablet. I always have a book available if I find my self waiting somewhere -- yesterday while getting the oil changed, and again while waiting for my flu vaccine and covid booster, for example.
I don't have to weigh down a suitcase with vacation reading. The books are on my phone.
I do utilize the library, and enjoy buying and owning books. I regularly read both types of media.
I have noticed that I'm getting fewer great deals for books on Kindle and the cost of offers seems to be going up. I do have a few other sources for free books and low cost e-books.
I hope you are reading.