Friday, September 06, 2024

National Read a Book Day

Today is going to be a beautiful day to celebrate National Read a Book Day!
I'm still slowly making my way through my two non-fiction reads that I mentioned in an earlier post and will need to take care of mowing our five acres today before I sit down to enjoy some reading, but the reading time will certainly happen.

For better or worse (I'm pretty sure it's worse), lately I've been watching much more TV than I have watched in the past. To lessen the time I've been spending watching streaming shows and movies (and to save a few $$), we have unsubscribed to two streaming services (Paramount+ and Peacock). However, we still have Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Max. The first two we pay for and Max is free with our cell phone provider.
It's easy entertainment, but there are certainly better ways to spend my time. It's kind of sad that we seem to have such a need to always be entertained. 

I think that being entertained by sitting at home and watching something (anything) on the TV...
Is easier than going out for entertainment.
It's easier than having relationships and spending time with people.
It's easier than learning or practicing a skill.
It's more fun than watching documentaries or educational stuff.
It's readily available, easily affordable, and easier than doing just about anything else.

Even staying home or going out to watch sporting events is mostly just a big money making entertainment (and gaming) industry.

Today is a good day to be entertained (and maybe even educated) by reading something good.
According to Gallup... 
--the average American reads 12 books per year
--65% of Americans have not read a book in the past year
--42% of college graduates have never read another book after college
--80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.

Geez, I guess people like my sister that read over 100 books annually are the ones that bring that first stat up to a 12 per year average!

Do yourself a favor -- read a book today!


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