Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Audio books

I just finished my second audio book through the Libby app. I can see getting used to listening to books while I'm driving or working in the yard. I think that I prefer music while working, though. Music seems to make the work more enjoyable. If I actually exercised, I'm sure that I would rather listen to some classic rock to keep motivated.
But for driving, or even for chilling on the deck, an audio book is nice.

The book that I just finished is Where Wolves Don't Die by Anton Treuer (pronounced troy-er). It's a Native American novel that includes much of the history and culture of the Ojibwe people in the Northern US and Canada. It was pretty good.

Audio books take a lot longer to get through since it's more about speech rate than reading speed, but they work well for time in the car. I guess it's time to look for another one. One downside to the Libby app is that you have to be connected through a library and our rural Christian County Library doesn't have a large selection of e-books and audio books. I am going to have to browse a few other resources for audio books.

What are you reading/listening to?
Do you have a favorite free source for audio books?


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