Monday, June 10, 2024


Today is launch day for my friends at The Flipped Table Collective!
Go ahead. Check it out.
It has been a lot of planning and a lot of work and I hope it will be a source of comfort as well as a great resource for many that are seeking truth and peace and a healthy connection to our Creator and God.

This morning I am thinking about my friends and this dream of theirs being put into action.
I'm also thinking that I don't think that I've ever really had a kind of dream/vision/goal that I've worked towards or for. Didn't have a dream career. Didn't have a dream house. Didn't even have a dream car.
I don't know if that makes me unambitious or boring or maybe just normal.

I know that some people are driven. They are always pursuing a goal, chasing down a dream.
I am not one of them. 
Today I am just happy that my dahlias are blooming!

I don't think that retirement was ever really a dream, but I am most definitely enjoying it.
I never dreamed of nor planned to spend my mornings drinking coffee on my deck and writing about meditation/contemplation, but I am enjoying it very much.
I know it's not the same thrill or rush as launching a website, opening a business, or achieving a challenging goal, but it is a great feeling and I cherish each morning, each sip of coffee, and each of the birds that are chirping and gathering food for the babies in their nests.

Living a quiet life and enjoying the sounds of nature may not be the achievement of a lifelong dream, but it is a pretty grand way to spend each day, and I am very much aware of this privilege that I enjoy. I know that it may be the dream of others to have a simple, quiet life -- free from striving to achieve or the competition with others for a pay raise or promotion.

Maybe it's a blessing that I don't feel like I need to act a certain way or say the right things so that people will like me or think well of me. Maybe it's not. Not conforming has cost me some friendships in the past, but I really don't regret my decisions. I have to admit that I am a little sad about their decision, but there just isn't much that I can do about that, so I move on.

I am to the point in life where I have fewer days left than I have already lived and it is enough for me to appreciate today. My planning for tomorrow will be the hope that the flowers I planted last week and the ones I'll plant today will bloom to provide for the pollinators and grace us with their beauty as the summer passes.

What are your hopes for tomorrow?
What are your dreams?



Mike said...

When I saw the title "Dreams" a song immediately popped into my head. It's an older song and I can't find it. You would not believe how many songs there are with the word dreams in the title. Especially newer songs. I even tried humming it into Google and even it didn't know what I wanted. Bummer!

John A Hill said...

Mike, Everly Brothers, All I Have to do is Dream?

Mike said...

Nope, but it's one that old.

Mike said...

Found it. Everly Brothers, All I Have To Do Is Dream.