Thursday, June 20, 2024

Did you know ... ?

Did you know that the June solstice of 2024 is the earliest it has occurred in 228 years? 
The solstice marks the beginning of summer for those of us in the northern hemisphere and hasn't been as early as June 20th since 1796!
Here in the Midwest, the solstice happens at 3:50 this afternoon.

Even as everyone is bracing for a hot summer, I am ready for it. 
Summer is my season.

I'm up early this morning (before 6). I don't know why. I sleep until I'm finished and this morning that was about 5:50. Getting up a little earlier could be to my benefit when it comes to getting some outdoor work finished before it gets too hot. I'm a slow starter in the mornings and it is often 11 o'clock before I'm ready to get started. It might be better to get started on whatever planting/weeding/mowing/trimming/watering needs to be done on a given day before 9 or so. I'll still have my afternoons to sit in the shade of the deck while listening to music, smoking a cigar, and enjoying a cool drink.

Happy summer!


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