Monday, January 01, 2024

Monday Meditation -- New Year Thoughts

I suppose that January 1st is a good day to look forward towards the coming year. Reflection is also good, but I think looking forward is better for me. Other than using the past to see how far I've come and what lessons I've learned, I'd rather leave the past in the past.

Honestly, I am hopeful for the future.
Sure, it is easy to see the darkness that often dominates the news cycle and the idiocy that is on social media, but I force myself to remember that darkness and idiocy sells. 
It is sad that we are not as moved as a people by good news and good people. There are so many stories of kindness and positive acts that never get the attention of the mainstream media or aren't shared on social media because they just don't generate the hits that the ugly stuff does.

I don't want to ignore the loud, self-serving voices of society, but I am going to spend more time focusing on the positive voices. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with a Springfield City Council member the other night. She spent the night volunteering at the Crisis Cold Weather Shelter at the Fairbanks. Not only does she give of her personal time volunteering, but she seems to be a fierce advocate for the underprivileged and marginalized populations of the city. 
My exposure to the different organizations that work to make life better for our community gives me hope and reminds me of my privilege and obligation to society. While it is true that I contribute little to the world around me, I know that I am a better person just from being around the crusaders that are working to make us better as a community. 

Realistically, I'm probably going to remain a pretty non-productive member of society in 2024. My contributions to the world will be simple things like providing flowers and food for the butterflies, bees, and birds, planting a few trees, recycling what I can, and trying to be a good neighbor.
I'll be on the deck most of the year and am willing to share a drink (beer, bourbon, iced sun tea, chilled lemon water, or hot or iced coffee), a cigar, and some conversation. 
I will try to be more encouraging and supportive of those that are doing the heavy lifting to make the world a better place. I may even get off my butt on occasion and help in the cause.

How are you seeing 2024?
Or fearful?


1 comment:

Mike said...
