Sunday, February 21, 2021

Getting back to normal -- Ugh!

The church we "go" to has announced a return to in-person services beginning the last Sunday in March. To be honest -- I'm not entirely thrilled about it. 

It won't be like going back to the way things were. There will be social distancing protocols in effect -- masks worn, distance maintained between family groups, no group gatherings, in one door and out another, etc., etc. It will be good to see people that we haven't seen in quite some time (more than a year for some), but it's not like there will be tons of hugs, handshakes, and high-fives -- more like mask covered nods and waves from across the aisles.

And I kind of like the stress free, sit in my pjs, drink my own coffee, watch service from my couch, kind of Sunday mornings that I've become accustomed to. I know that it's not all about me and the pandemic has played well toward my social avoidance tendencies, but I'm already feeling the pressure of having to be around a bunch of other people and be...well, social. Ugh.

Going back to in-person services in this manner is probably the best for a person like me. I get to see people but have a good excuse for not interacting with them. To be fair, there are a good number of them that I really look forward to seeing, sharing a hug or handshake, and catching up life with, but I'm not sure that gathering for church really provides for that. Getting back to normal may not be the most comfortable thing for many people. I imagine there are more people like me than one might expect.

Ah, but that's still a month away.
For this morning I'll enjoy the quite of my house, the warmth of the fireplace, a good cup of coffee, and a well produced online service with a thought provoking message from our pastor.

I love you all.
I just don't want to have to be near you that much.


1 comment:

Mike said...

"I just don't want to have to be near you that much."

I know what you mean. Could you move to the other side of your house?