Tuesday, January 14, 2020

TEDtalks: What if ...?

Yesterday on my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts I posted this question:

I have to admit that the small OCD part in me is bothered by the fact that the meme ends the question with a period and not a question mark, but ...

The few responses were interesting. Some were a little tongue-in-cheek. Some were well thought out. Some I will consider as future blog topics or labels for future posts. Since not all readers of Out of My Hat follow me on social media, feel free to weigh in here with your thoughts.

I was also reminded of how our social media accounts can paint a pretty narrow view of who we are. Yes, we all have those "friends" that air all of their complaints and negative crap, but for the most part, people are only sharing the best of themselves on their pages. I'm glad that you all believe me to be kinder, smarter, and better looking than I actually am. (Well, maybe not the last one since I'm not actually smart enough to know how to Photoshop anything!)

Personally, I'd like to do something on rest -- rest when you are awake and aware (like meditation), and rest while sleeping. I think our physical ability to recharge is amazing! And our mental ability to function while we rest and/or sleep boggles the mind. I really believe that the area we most often ignore is our emotional need to recharge.
But more on that at another time!

Enough about me!
What topic would you choose if you were giving a TEDtalk?


1 comment:

Mike said...

I'd give a talk on how I don't like talking in front of people.