Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Towards the end of last year I started reading fiction for pleasure again. It's been quite sometime since I've done that -- probably since before I retired five years ago. I read a couple of free selections from my Kindle app and then finished the Nameless series by Dean Kootz in December, before starting on In the Dark by Loreth Anne White.

I'm counting that as my first finished read of 2020.
Since then I've read the first two books of Clayton Lindemuth's Baer Creighton series and Kevin Wignall's The Names of the Dead.
There is a bit of darkness to all of these books and I think I'm ready for something a little lighter. I have a number of books to choose from in my current Kindle queue. I'll probably go with one of C N Crawford's fantasy books before continuing in the Creighton series.

Chris and I have taken advantage of our temporary Greene County residence and have obtained our Greene County Library cards. Although I really enjoy the convenience of my phone's Kindle app (being able to read wherever and whenever), there is still something about holding a book and turning pages. It's more of a nostalgic thing and not something I feel tied to. I'm just as comfortable reading on my tablet or phone.

Now I am in search of a book.
What are you reading?



Mike said...

I've ordered several books lately. One of these days I might get around to reading them.

MOMelody said...

Olive Kitteridge.