Saturday, December 31, 2022

Wrapping up 2022

Although I've posted nearly every day for the past two months, I am down a bit for posts for the year. This is my 170th post this year and post #2499 overall. My first post of 2023 will be #2500!

I don't know that there is much to glean from my experiences of 2022. I can't look back and see that it was a particularly good year, nor was it a bad one. I enjoyed some time with friends and family, but have also parted ways with a few people along the way. 

I was looking at my social media accounts recently and made a few observations. 
Facebook is my longest held account and now consists mostly of relatives which I apparently have a bunch of! While I don't have many past coworkers as FB friends, my associations through NATCA (the Air Traffic Controller's Union) probably account for the next largest group of "friends." There are fewer friends from church (or past churches) than I would have guessed, and fewer still from classmates and people from my hometown. I think I have way more social media friends than actual friends, but that's probably true for all of us.

Instagram has a lot of crossover followers from FB, plus a bunch of people that I don't really know but like their content. I like that I can follow someone on IG and they don't have to follow me back and vice versa. I do try to limit the bot followers on both IG and Twitter. I could probably tighten up my privacy settings, but haven't. I have fewer followers than on FB, but am I following more accounts that don't follow me back.

Twitter is my most used account as far as where I scroll and look for news or content from others. I follow a few celebrities and authors, but mostly I use Twitter for news content from a number of varied sources. I follow more than twice as many accounts on Twitter than I have as FB friends and also have the most followers of my social media accounts. 

I rarely use the "story" features of accounts and seldom post any original video content. 
I try to assess my social media usage from time to time to make sure it's not getting out of hand and isn't going to get me into too much trouble from a security or content issue.
I do spend way too much time watching the stupid (but often entertaining) videos that are posted. That's the time suck I find myself in most often.


Since I use the Kindle app on my phone for reading, that is most likely the area of greatest screen time. I have read on my Kindle app every day this year (sometimes only a chapter or two) and am up to 495 consecutive days. Even though i do read every day, I have finished just fewer than 80 books (78) this year. I know that is still a lot of books; it's just fewer than I was expecting.


I got a haircut yesterday (the first is several months) and shaved my face. Now all I have to do is lose 60 pounds by midnight and I will look clean and healthy to start 2023!
Maybe I'll get a little more exercise next year. Maybe I'll smoke fewer cigars. Or maybe I'll end 2023 much the way I'm starting it. I pretty much take things as they come and try to enjoy the present moments of life. I hope to see more of you face to face in the coming year. If not, we can continue to meet here or virtually on another platform. 
Here's to 2023!
May it be a good one for all of us!


Friday, December 30, 2022

Let's Talk Travel

I've committed to being here in SWMO through the end of March, so we won't be taking any trips until spring. We've only been on one cruise and pretty much prefer travel to a resort or beach community over the cruise experience. And I really do like the tropical beach vacation to just about anything else. We haven't done a great deal of traveling other than a few Mexican cities and a couple of Caribbean Islands.

With kids in Puerto Vallarta, that will probably be a pretty regular visit, but where else should we go that is tropical and has a beach. Where are your favorite places to visit or perhaps places that you want to visit?


Thursday, December 29, 2022

One Lesson Learned in 2022

It's December 29th and I'm enjoying coffee on the deck this morning! Although I have enclosed the deck with plastic panels, the outdoor temp is 60f (15c) this morning! I would have been out here even without the plastic covered panels.

SWMO is in for a few days of warmer weather to end/begin the year. I fully expect to enjoy a cigar or two over the coming days! The warmer weather also means that my sleep schedule will be back to normal for the next week since the crisis cold weather shelters will likely not be opened. It is weird how often I think about the overnight weather when it isn't cold enough for the crisis cold weather shelters to be opened, but too damn cold or miserable to be sleeping outside. We (the City of Springfield) really do need an all weather shelter for our homeless community. 
I see that Friday night's temperature is now forecast to reach the freezing point. Depending on when that happens (and for how long it will be that cold) determines whether or not the shelters are open. This is one of those times that, although I'd really enjoy having the night off, the shelters need to be open. 
Privilege is less enjoyable when you realize how much others are struggling to survive.

Perhaps that will be my great take away for 2022.
What's yours?



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

So, how was 2022?

We started the year emerging from the pandemic and dealing with post-pandemic COVID. In the US we were looking forward to the midterm elections and how they might reinforce or begin to tear down the Trumpian influence over the GOP. Worldwide inflation and high gas prices had our attention and the world was watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine which began in February.
It's been quite a year.

In my little corner of the world life has been pretty good.
We managed trips to Colorado Springs and to Puerto Vallarta to see the kids, and Chris made a Canadian trip to visit friends in Nova Scotia. And I managed to make a couple of trips to reconnect with old friends. We enjoy life at home and I am still loving the deck and my quiet time there on most days. I am back to working in the overnight cold weather shelter this season - this time as paid staff rather than as a volunteer. 

I have to admit that I am torn between the need for more to be done for the unsheltered community and the selfish desire to sit on my deck and enjoy my privileged retirement. I am so ashamed that the local and state community does so little for this growing and yet largely invisible segment of the population. 
I am also becoming aware that age and retirement makes these overnight shifts a little more difficult to adjust to and recover from. I may have to reconsider how I help in the future. 

All-in-all, 2022 wasn't a bad year for me.
We survived.
I don't know that we managed to thrive, but we did okay and are in a good place looking forward to 2023, ...but that's another post.

How was your '22?


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Question

It's not a question that I expect anyone to answer. It's just something that's always bugged me - even as a kid. It doesn't mean much to me anymore because I know that Jesus probably wasn't really born on December 25th, but nevertheless, it is still a curiosity.

Christmas is the day we've chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus, right?
But why do all of the Christmas Eve pageants, programs and festivities have Jesus being born on Christmas Eve? 
We don't celebrate our birthdays on the day after we were born. If we did, then on June 14, 2023 someone might say, "Sixty-three years ago yesterday John was born. Let's celebrate today!"

Yeah, I know. 
I'm probably just weird and nobody else ever thought about it like that.
Or maybe some of you have...?


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

It's late evening on Christmas Eve in SWMO. It's cold outside, but the fireplace inside is comfy and cozy. On the other side of the globe, my Filipino and Aussie families are already deep into Christmas morning. Our Santa stocking holder letters have been rearranged to spell Satan, just to remember the presence of an impish son that now lives in another country. Chris is cleaning because that's what Chris does and I am chilling with a spiked egg nog and typing out a Christmas Eve blog.

My mood tonight is not as joyful as one might expect on Christmas Eve. That "Peace on earth, good will to men" thing is sort of bringing me down. I've heard it argued that it was originally written as "Peace on earth to men of good will," but I never really checked that out. Either way, I am often dismayed that there doesn't seem to be much of either - peace on earth nor men of good will.

I struggle with the feeling that I should be doing something to bring about more of both versus the feeling that I've had enough of humanity and just want to be left alone. I sometimes wonder if God ever felt like that - struggling to help bring peace to humanity or leaving us to ourselves and our own destruction. Maybe Christmas is the result. I don't really know.

It's been a long week for shelter workers in SWMO. I'm tired and maybe not thinking straight. I hope that we have given some peace and rest to a few people that would have struggled greatly through the bitterly cold temperatures. Our Christmas will be small and simple. I wouldn't even call it a celebration, more of an observance, I guess.
I hope that your Christmas Eve or Christmas Day celebrations/observances give you peace and perhaps, an opportunity to share some good will towards others.

Merry Christmas,

Friday, December 23, 2022

Long night; short day.

It's only fitting that I had a long night and a short day on the day that the rest of the Northern hemisphere did, as well. Because of the weather and extreme cold, Chris opted out of her early shift at the shelter yesterday. One other volunteer also couldn't make it in. I went in early to cover part of Chris's setup shift and then worked my own 12 hours, plus a little bit at the end. There were just three of us in the evening, two of us overnight, and three again in the early morning. 

Our volunteer staff is the best!
The overnight isn't usually tough work, just long with enough drama that it isn't boring.
And the guests are mostly cooperative and gracious.

After nearly 16 hours of working and 5 hours of sleep, I'm up and getting a few things done before heading back for my normal 12 hour overnight.
Geez! It's almost like having a job!

The thing is -- the guy I worked the overnight with had spent the entire previous day working on arrangements to add temporary emergency shelters to house the unsheltered community during the extreme cold. Then, along with others that had worked all day, he and those other tireless workers worked all night (or at least late into the night) getting people to and caring for them in shelters across the city.
It has been an amazing accomplishment.

One guy, a newly homeless guy was so thankful for having a place to stay. This morning he repeated his gratitude and said that we had truly saved people's lives last night. It's true. Many people that would have normally braved the elements were looking for shelter for themselves and their pets. 
Our normal open for the night shelter has been open all day today. Additional volunteers have stepped up and given part of their holiday preparation time to serve others in the community. I'll be back again tonight and more people will be there for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 

In a very real way, it is fitting that we are making room and providing care for others on this most sacred holiday. Many smaller churches have joined the effort by opening their buildings to house unsheltered persons. I am a little (okay, a lot) disappointed that none of the larger, evangelical churches or Catholic churches have joined in the effort to meet the needs this weekend. I trust that they have their reasons.

I say this over and over again -- The team of people that I get to serve with are the best! I am a much better person when I am around them and influenced by them.

All right. I've got things to do before getting to it again.
I am happy that the nights are going to be getting shorter and the days, longer. Spring cannot get here soon enough!


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Passing the Time

How do you pass time when you have time to pass?
Electronics have given us some pretty mindless ways to pass the time - playing games, watching reels, scrolling social media, etc. Even reading has become an electronic habit as I do most of my reading through the Kindle app on my phone. My Kindle reading streak is at 486 consecutive days, with 68 Kindle books read this year. I'll probably finish a couple more, but even by adding in actual paper and ink books I'll have fewer than 80 books read for the year.  

As for games I play - well, I usually have one or two that I play until I get tired of them and then I find a new one. I've been playing cribbage but I'm ready to move on from it. Any suggestions?

I don't watch much TV, but I do have a few shows that I follow and seem to watch an episode or two while staying up overnight at the shelter. Last winter I watched the first three Harry Potter movies but then the shelter season ended and I haven't been back to them. I suppose that watching TV shows and movies is sort of like reading. It's a different way to input stories into your brain; maybe even easier. Personally, I like reading. It does take longer, but I get to use my own imagination in picturing the characters and environment of the story. I think there is more of a connection to both the characters and the authors when reading versus watching. I also believe there is more stimulated brain activity from reading versus watching and I need all the brain help I can get. 
I even prefer reading news (mostly via the internet) versus watching it.

I should spend more time on some physical activity. This old body needs stimulation even more than my brain. I know there are many cyclists, runners, hikers, kayakers, and other outdoor enthusiasts out there. My idea of enjoying the great outdoors is sitting on the beach, smoking a cigar, and enjoying a tequila and lime on ice - not exactly a picture of good health!
I should start walking again, but the current 14f (feels like -7) and light snow isn't conducive to even thinking about outdoor activities!
Maybe next week.

How do you spend your idle time?
Got a show or series to recommend?
What's the go-to time killing game on your phone?


It just occurred to me that I didn't even mention getting together with friends for drinks or dinner (or any other activity). That doesn't even cross my mind when thinking about ways to pass the time. In fact, all of the activities I mentioned are things you can do alone. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wednesday Wisdom

This Helen Keller quote was shared by one of the leaders of our combined church crisis coldweather shelter. It truly takes so many kind hearts to do this great work. 

Solstice - Already?

It seems as if the equinox was just a few weeks ago, but this afternoon the earth and sun reach the point of the Winter Solstice for the northern hemisphere and the Summer Solstice for our friends Down Under. I rarely wish for time to speed by, but it would be okay with me if the time to the next equinox passes as quickly. 

This year winter is announcing its entrance with tomorrow's high temperature a degree or two below the freezing mark and the overnight low (tomorrow night) at -8F (that's -22C to the rest of the world)! Friday's daytime high will be around 4F (-15C). 
The temperature will fall below the freezing line around 10 o'clock tonight and won't crest that mark again until sometime Monday afternoon. We're expecting a little light snow tomorrow, but I doubt we'll have a white Christmas. The high winds and dry air will probably take care of the little bit of snow.

I've committed to being here throughout the winter, but I'm thinking I need to start planning for an early springtime tropical trip. I'd even be happy with a Gulf coast trip here in the US. The trick will be to avoid the college spring break crowds.

I suppose I can spin the old saying and choose to find joy in the coming winter. If I choose not to find the joy, I'll still have the winter, but without joy. This is going to take some work!

Have a joyous Winter Solstice!


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Healthy Perk

If you google "health benefits of volunteering" you will see several articles that explore both the physical and mental benefits of volunteering. I've found an additional perk of serving at the shelter -- I walk a lot.
In spite of spending much of the night sitting on my ever widening ass, I am easily hitting 10,000 steps on the days that I am there. It's weird because it mostly happens over the course of a 12 hour shift and it never really feels like I'm doing that much. I know that the bulk of steps happens early while people are checking in and getting snacks,  drinks, and settled in for the night, and again in the morning when they are checking out and we are cleaning up. Because my step counter works on a midnight to midnight timeline, I don't always hit 10,000 steps on the first day of working overnight, but I still manage plenty of walking.

I'm not expecting to hit that today.


That Elusive Christmas Spirit

I'm writing this a few minutes before midnight so it will be published on Tuesday morning. It's been a bit of a long day, but it has also been a good one. After a short nap this morning, I got to help our lead Chaplain at Mercy Hospitals of Aurora and Cassville. I had a few deliveries of food and gifts to folks around the area of SWMO. It was like being Santa's helper. Because the area is a largely rural area and there are lots of miles between Mercy Clinics, I logged over 150 miles in making my deliveries.

Although I often travel without a radio or music, I did find myself singing a few Christmas songs as I thought of my role as Santa's helper. Maybe that's just what I needed to move me along in my long journey to getting into the holiday spirit.  

Fake it 'til you make it, right?

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Time is Short

One week from today is Christmas.
Two weeks from today is 2023.
If you set goals for 2022 or still have Christmas shopping to do, the time is getting short.

I don't have any 2022 goals to achieve, but if I can manage to lose a few pounds between now and New Year's Day I won't be at my heaviest weight to start a year. Fortunately, I don't have any real health issues (that I'm aware of) other than being overweight. My blood pressure is borderline and I need to get it down a bit or go on meds. Other than that, I've managed to be a pretty healthy fat guy, but I know it's only a matter of time until it catches up to me.  

As for the Christmas shopping--
We've said we're not going to buy Christmas presents for each other, but I think that Chris will get me something and I should probably get her something, too. 

I've got a week, sort of.
The 12hr overnight schedule at the shelter (tonight plus Thursday and Friday nights) kind of messes with my normal do what I want when I want routine. It's not too bad, but it does screw up my sleep more than I remember. Either I'm just not used to it or the additional years are a factor. It may be both factors having an impact. In any case, I probably need to figure something out pretty quickly.

Got any last moment things to do for Christmas or before the end of 2022?
Any party plans to bring in the new year?
How are you coping with the holiday stress?

Happy Holidays, indeed!


Saturday, December 17, 2022


I was pretty young when I got my first guitar for Christmas. I don't know how old I was, but it was a year when my mom mis-tagged all of our gifts so we wouldn't really know what we were getting. I ended up opening my baby sister's doll; I'm not sure who opened my guitar.
I'm sure somebody (Theresa) has that pic somewhere.

Recently, I've been thinking I should take it up again.
I was never very good but I did enjoy playing for myself. Truthfully, I don't know what I'd play. I mostly listen to old stuff and I don't know how much I'd play or try to pick up newer music. I'm not very motivated about it. I just think about it once in a while.

I haven't done much in the way of practicing magic again, either. Maybe I should consider leaving the past in the past
Or maybe it's okay to just enjoy a little of the past from time to time.

I gave away an old guitar a few years ago. If I take it up again I'll need to hit a local pawn shop. I don't even know what a guitar and strings would cost these days. Maybe I'll check into it.


Friday, December 16, 2022

An Interesting Question

It's late afternoon and I'm just getting around to writing. My normal morning routine has shifted to the late afternoon/evening hours since I just got up after working the overnight cold weather shelter last night and will be back again for tonight. 

One of the overnight guests asked me an interesting question this morning -- Do you still enjoy this as much as you did when you first started?

I don't know what her reference point is about when I first started. This is my third winter working in some capacity with the unsheltered community -- ranging from serving meals and coffee at a warming center, to volunteering at an overnight shelter, to my current work as a staff person at an overnight shelter.
I don't know if she is talking about this season (since Nov 1) or some time prior to that.

She followed up her question with her reason for asking it -- We can be such assholes sometimes.

I might know a little something about being an asshole. It could be that this is a bit of trying to make up for those poor attitude days of being a more privileged and less aware person of society. I wonder if there was something in my voice or manner this morning that made her think that I don't enjoy serving as much as I used to. 
Gosh, I hope that wasn't the case.

In truth, I don't know if enjoy is the word that I'd use. It's really kind of sad that this is a necessary work.
I am fulfilled by the work and service that we accomplish and extremely honored to work with a dedicated team of selfless volunteers and a staff that champions the causes of society's marginalized communities. The people and the work has truly made me into a much better person. 
Even Chris noticed that I am a much different person at the shelter. I guess that's not necessarily a good thing. I need to be that patient, caring person all of the time. 

Still working on being a better me.
I hope you are working on being a better you. 
Question like -- Do you still...? are beneficial if we are serious about how we answer them.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

December in SWMO

Damp, dreary, and warmer vs. sunny and cold.
From the inside, I'll take sunny every time.
If I have to be outside, it's a bit of a toss up.

Today is sunny and cool. It is the first time we've seen the sun in over a week. With the clear skies we will also have colder nights. That means the shelters will be open and I'll be back at work. In all honesty, I'd rather have it be cold enough at night and have the shelters open than to be just above the cutoff temperatures and have people sleeping in the cold. 
It does mean that my sleep schedule will be a little whacked this week, but it's not too bad. I adapt to sleeping when able pretty well and it is definitely a worthy cause.


It's hard to believe that it is only 10 days until Christmas. There won't be much going on at our place for Christmas this year. We have a tree up, a wreath on the door, and stockings hung on the fireplace. The nativity scene is ready for display but hasn't been put up yet. That's it. There aren't even any presents under the tree. 
I'm okay with it. Simple is cool. 


In other news I am working on getting the deck closed in for the coming winter and cold weather. I tightened the plastic on the lower frames yesterday and will work on finishing that project today and tomorrow. It doesn't get too warm out there, but on many days it does get comfortable enough with a little sunshine and a space heater. It is a little noisy on windy days as the plastic rattles and pops with the wind, but most of the winter wind tends to come from the northwest and is shielded a bit by the house. 
In any case, it gives me some outside (sort of) days that I wouldn't normally have.
The cold weather streak that is just getting started will last for a couple of weeks and won't make it above freezing for a few days near the end of the year. I'm going to have to rethink this wintering in the Ozarks for next year.

We already decided not to exchange gifts for Christmas this year, so I'll just put this as an early idea for next year's Christmas list.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Getting in the Spirit

I started listening to a little Christmas music yesterday. Maybe that will help get me into the Christmas Spirit. I'd probably have to say that O Holy Night is my all time favorite Christmas hymn (and I do really think of it more as a hymn than just a song or carol). Many different artists have recorded it. This old one by Jim Nabors is a favorite of mine.

What is your favorite Christmas hymn/song/carol?
Leave a link so we can all listen along.


Monday, December 12, 2022

Beloved Bad-Ass

It's two days before her 85th birthday and I should probably wait to post it, but I'm writing it now because it is what I'm thinking about this morning, I do not know anyone that is loved by everyone like my mom is.

A couple of years ago, my daughter-in-law made the comment about my mom that she (Mom) is the nicest person she's ever known. Mom's response: I'm tired of everybody thinking I'm so nice. I want to be a bad-ass!
I bought her a necklace that says she's a bad-ass. Others have bought her t-shirts and socks proclaiming her as a bad-ass, and she embraces her title even if she is unable to pull off and embody the real character of a bad-ass. One of my highschool classmates and lifetime friends says she's the sweetest bad-ass to ever live.

Distant relatives stay in touch with her. Grandkids vie for her to come visit their distant homes or travel long distances to visit with her. Neighbors miss her dearly when she is visiting family, and even strangers seem drawn to invite her to travel or to care for her when she is out and about.
I talk to her just about every day and it is truly one of those things that just lifts my spirit. 

I think that anyone that knows her well would agree that her strong and persistant faith is what shapes and defines her character. Her love and compassion for others is born out of her deep love and relationship with God. To most of the world she is Leticia. To family she is usually Mom, Aunt Bebe, Tita Bebe, Grandma, Lola, or Great-grandma. 
My oldest brother once asked the question - Is there anyone as beloved as our mom?
The answer is - No, there isn't.

She may like to think of heself as a bad-ass and we may indulge her with gifts and humor her idea, but nobody would ever truly think she is in any way mean-spirited much less a bad-ass.
Although the 14th is her birthday, it will be sometime on the 13th that she reaches 85 years on planet Earth due to her birth in the Philippines and the International Dateline thing. 
The world is a better place for her presence in it.
If you know her, you are probably a better person just for having met her.

I'm lousy at sending birthday cards. The best you can hope for is a Facebook wish or a text message. 
This is my birthday card substitute for Mom.
...And it's early!

Happy birthday, Mom
I love you.


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Saturday, December 10, 2022

People and beer vs. Home and bourbon

People and beer includes listening to some friends play music at a Springfield brewery.
Home and bourbon includes watching the UFC fights and snacking on whatever is available at home.
It's a real struggle!

Chris already has plans to go to a Christmas party with a friend so I'm on my own for the evening.
I really do like listening to my friends' band play, and even though I'll be going alone, I know that I will know several people that will be there. The brewery has decent beer, but I'll be my own driver for the night so I'll have to limit myself on consumption. The weather tonight will be cool, but decent so the motorcycle is an option. Riding is always a factor in favor of going.

On the other side of the coin...
I do like watching the fights and it is my normal Saturday evening thing as there are fights on most weekends. Also. I'm good with being left home alone. 

I could skip the prelims, watch the band for their first set, and make it home in time for the main card, but that seems like a lot of work - getting dressed to go out, going out, changing back into home clothes - you know what I mean.
Besides, I've already been with people once this week, and we have a Christmas party to go to next week. People-ing is hard work for some of us. 

Right now I am leaning towards the compromise of doing both, but odds are probably more in favor of me staying home for the night.
We'll see.


Friday, December 09, 2022

Final Thoughts (or Is There an Afterlife)

What happens when you die?

The question sort of came up in a recent conversation with a pastor/university professor about a class she teaches. Different religions have different beliefs about the afterlife. Even different people within the same religion have differing thoughts about it. And of course there are those that don't believe anything happens - just the big dirt nap.

Having lived through differing Christian traditions - Catholic, Southern Baptist, and skeptical follower of Jesus - I do believe in an eternal afterlife, but am finding that Jesus taught more about how to live life in the present than about how to gain a particular life in the future. I guess (maybe) they are supposed to be connected. Frankly, I am a little disturbed by the fear of hell motivation or the gain of heaven lure to follow Jesus rather than the simple teaching of loving each other and loving life as we live it. 

I find the philosophies of other religions to be pretty fascinating and observe that most share some pretty common beliefs and practices with each other. Many out date Christianity by thousands of years. Many focus on a supreme being or beings, while others look to the collective intellect of humankind as a sort of god or guiding principle.

What do you think?
Is our human experience like some sort of spiritual amusement park that some souls never experience, while others visit once and it is enough, and still others visit repeatedly?
Are there other planes in the universe that we can experience after this life?
Is there an eternal reward called heaven or an eternal punishment called hell?
Or are those inventions of men to control us in the present life?
Does what happens next (if anything) even matter?

I don't know.
But I do wonder about it from time to time.
What about you?


Thursday, December 08, 2022


If you are looking for a happy, feel good post you probably want to scroll on past this one. 
If you are keeping the negative bullshit out of your day, scroll on.
Don't want to read political crap? Scroll on.
You've been warned.
Here we go,

First - railway workers
How the hell does workers wanting sick leave pay turn into the workers are willing to shut down the economy for their own benefits? Why isn't it that the multi-million dollar profit railway companies are willing to shut down the economy to make a few more dollars rather than treat their employees decent enough to allow sick leave?
And why the f#@k is a Democrat/back-the-working-class president signing a bill to force workers to accept a contract they don't want? If you can't side with the workers then stay the f#@k out of it, Uncle Joe. 
Yeah, that really pisses me off.

Second - terminate the Constitution
I've pretty much stayed off the political rants this year, but the silence from the right over a Presidential candidate that wants to terminate the Constitution is really all anyone that was in doubt needs to hear to know that democratic rule isn't the objective of that political party. If you are still supporting this party in ANY WAY, you are complicit with traitors to the country and are as treasonous as they are.
Why isn't anyone speaking out about this?
If they want to keep the GOP intact, they need to cut ties with Trump, cooperate to see him prosecuted for all of his illegal and treasonous activity, and move on without him. It is possible that they have waited too long to be able to salvage anything, but such is the fate of corruption. 

I think the midterm elections are indicative of how Americans feel. There was no red wave and Democrats lost control of the house. Both houses of Congress are pretty evenly divided, but rather than take that as a sign that they need to work together, each majority party - no matter how slim the margin is - sees it as a sign that they move on their party's agenda without compromise. Our legislature is no longer about governance; it is about power and who gets to rule.

I needed that. A controlled vent is sometimes needed. Just writing it out makes me feel better. Now I'm debating with myself over whether or not I should post it. I think I will - not to stir up shit or anything, just to give you permission to vent as well. 
By the way, I've cut back on my social media use a little bit and think I'll continue to do so. I may be lurking in the background a bit, but I hope to slowly fade from some platforms. We'll see how that goes. I'm afraid I'm pretty hooked.

I should probably stay away from people for a few days (including virtual contact).


Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Chipolte Chocolate Hot Sauce

I have a lot of hot sauces. I get hot sauces nearly every year for Christmas. Most sauces that you buy at the grocery store or in variety packs aren't very hot, but they do have some interesting flavorings. One such variety pack (Hell's Kitchen) had this Chipolte Chocolate hot sauce. 
It might be one of my favorites for flavor and a little heat (like Tabasco level heat).

Unfortunately, I pretty much used the last few drops of it last night.
It was a late night snack, one of my go-to favorites - peanut butter toast. I don't know why I have never tried it before, but it dawned on me - What would this taste like with just a little heat?
Looking in the 'fridge I saw the almost empty bottle of chipolte chocolate hot sauce and thought - Yeah!

For the record, it was good. I should have added a bit more, but I tend to be cautious when trying new flavor combos. 
I've had spicy peanuts as snacks in the past. I don't know why I never thought to spice up my peanut butter. I don't think I'll always use a little heat in my peanut butter, but it was a nice addition to the peanut butter toast and I'll look for different varieties to use on this and other pb snacks.


Tuesday, December 06, 2022


My son thinks I need a firepit.
I'm not sure that I'd use it often enough to justify building one or buying one. 
But I am considering it. 

I do like the idea of an outdoor living area. A firepit would be a nice central focus for such an area. We live far enough out from friends that I don't think it would really become a gathering place for people. I see that both as a plus and a minus. Having a few people over every now and then to enjoy drinks and conversation around an evening fire might be enjoyable. I don't think it is something that I'd use by myself very often and don't think that Chris would be a big fan of it for just the two of us either. 

In any case, it's not going to be a winter project, so I have some time to consider it.
One of my brothers has a nice firepit that gets used often enough. We had a fire at my daughter's home on a couple of nights over the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Any friends/readers have firepits?
How often do you use them?
Do you use them just for yourselves?
For gatherings of friends?

Just wondering.


Monday, December 05, 2022

The Simple Life

I'm enjoying a cup of good coffee (Ethiopian) next to our ventless gas fireplace after a good night's sleep in my own bed. It's true -- I'd rather be sitting outside, looking at the ocean from a tropical beach or balcony, but this isn't too bad.
I don't know if there is a great difference between content and happy, but I am definitely content this morning.   

I know that I'm not too motivated to do anything today, so I'm going to enjoy the moment and worry about motivation later. 

What are the simple things in life that you enjoy?
Even though I do like an occasional lunch with a friend or meet for coffee, most of the simple things I enjoy seem to be things that I enjoy in solitude:  reading a book, enjoying a good cigar, sipping bourbon, listening to music, taking a ride on the motorcycle, etc.  
I enjoy watching MMA fighting, baseball, hockey, and even soccer, but wouldn't list those things as something that brings me joy or even contentment. They are more just ways to pass time. 

I don't really have any hobbies. I don't have a regular job that I go to. I have no real routine in life and I kind of like it that way. I know that many people need structure and routine to get by from day to day. I'm pretty happy that I'm not one of them,
Maybe life for you is better if it is busy and complex.
Maybe your preference isn't for a simple life.
Maybe you are one of those people that have to be moving and doing to be happy -- making a do list and checking things off one by one until it's completed.

What are the things in life that make you happy?
Do that.


Sunday, December 04, 2022

Home, hopefully for a while

Another weekend on the road is in the books. I think this is the last one for a little while.
Typically, I don't really mind the time on the road. This past weekend was a little tougher since I was operating on very little sleep. I am really looking forward to a good night's sleep in my own bed tonight.
I really wish advances towards a Star Trek like transporter system would hurry up and come about. It would certainly make travel easier-visit anywhere in the world and sleep at home every night!

This past week I was back working at the overnight shelter (the reason for the travel on little sleep). The temps are forecast to be warmer for the coming week and the shelters will likely be closed, but it is my week for service at the hospital in Aurora, serving as the on-call chaplain. I really do feel good about these two areas of service and it rarely feels like work or something that I'd rather not be doing. Given that the shelter gig is seasonal during cold weather, you might say it is my winter activity of choice (see my post from a couple of days ago).

I hope to use the warmer days this week to seal up the deck for the winter weather. I sure do miss the warm afternoons and evenings out there. Wednesday night's forecast nighttime low is 52f (11c) so maybe I'll plan on sleeping outside that night.
I should probably think about putting up some Christmas decorations during the nice weather. 
I suppose that's today's Bah, Humbug. 

I hope you have a grand week. I plan on getting a good night's sleep and facing the week ahead with a fine attitude and great expectations.


Saturday, December 03, 2022

Thumb tap blogging

I'm thumb tap blogging on my phone today. I'm a passenger in the car and heading eastward toward the area and hour or so south of St Louis.

Interstate 44 is always well traveled with lots of big trucks. Today is no different. The highway follows much of the old Route 66 highway. It generally overlays or parallels the old road across the state. The old Route is marked, but not real well if you're interested in following it. I think it would be an interesting ride on the motorcycle. I may need to plan that sometime soon.

The billboards along the Interstate advertise plenty of Route 66 attractions and many old motels, diners, and other roadside attractions remain in the small Missouri towns along the way. Maybe I should find the best burger or BBQ on the old highway.

Maybe not.

Interstate highways make for much faster travel than the old highways that made their ways through the towns along the way. But there is certainly a charm and a bit of nostalgia on the old roads.


Friday, December 02, 2022

Winter activities

If you know me, you already know that winter ain't my thing.
If I were to choose a favorite winter activity, it would be traveling to a tropical beach. Since I've taken on a seasonal job this winter, traveling to a tropical beach isn't on the table of potential activities for the coming months.  

Fortunately, SWMO doesn't typically get a lot of snow. It makes the winter long without much opportunity for sledding, skiing, outdoor ice skating, or other snow and/or ice related fun. 
So, what do you do for winter fun?
Maybe it's the same thing you do for summer fun, but with more clothes on!

I need to run into Springfield today. Google Maps says it's 16 miles to the coffee shop where I'm meeting a guy. It will be a cool ride, but I think I'll take the bike. Motorcycle riding is a summer activity that I do in the winter, but with more (or at least warmer) clothes on. 

I still need to enclose the deck if I'm going to make use of it this winter.
I have a few magic effects I'd like to work on (although, I haven't been too serious about it). 
I also have some woodburning tools that I received a couple of years ago that might be fun to experiment with.
I read, but inside rather than outside.

Where do you live and what are your go-to winter activities?


Thursday, December 01, 2022

December 1 and a shout out to The Connecting Grounds

I never did make it out of the house yesterday. And since I didn't make it out of the house, there was no reason to get out of my pajamas, either!
Unfortunately, that won't be the case today.

After my morning coffee, I have a delivery of coats, clothes, and blankets to make. My cousin sent a bunch of things home with me for donation to The Connecting Grounds (TCG). 
The Connecting Grounds Outreach Center is a pretty cool place. It is primarily staffed by volunteers and is always a hive of activity. Much of the work is "paid" for by giving credits for bicycles, bus passes, or other items that are available. There is no cost for clothing, food items, or survival stuff. 
It is a resource for medical care, job placement, and other everyday needs such as haircuts and laundry.
The above link is to the Outreach Center site. If you want to find out more about TCG as an organization, click the "home" link.

If you would like to support TCG's Outreach Center, go to the above link and click the support button (upper right) to see the different ways that you can contribute.

One might think that TCG is there solely to provide care and support to the unsheltered and underprivileged of the Springfield community. Truthfully, TGC and Pastor Christie Love have given me more than I ever could have expected. Through my connection to them and through them I have learned to "Love Outloud" and become a much more aware and loving person. I will forever be grateful for what they have given to me.
It is through them (and others) that I find myself working at the Crisis Cold Weather Shelter for the third winter season. I am finding that I am a different person - a better person - when I am there, and I need to incorporate shelter John into the more isolated John that I am the rest of the time. 

By the way, I think The Connecting Grounds would be a great name for a coffee shop, don't you?

Have a grand day.
Find a way to give a little. 
Support my friends at TCG or a charity or cause of your own preference.
You'll be glad you did!


Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Another National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) success!

I actually don't know if it's even a thing anymore. I just know that sometime in the past, posting every day during November was supposed to be a goal and I've been doing that without checking if it is still a thing. I kind of doubt it as blogging seems to have been a dying trend for several years. Maybe it will pick up again as Twitter seems to be crashing under the leadership (or ownership) of Elon Musk. 
I doubt it, though. Vlogs and podcasts are so much more trendy.

Spending a few moments writing each day has been good for me. It isn't easy and I wouldn't call it a habit at this point, but I can see the benefits of a set writing time for those that write professionally or have something to say on a daily basis. I struggle in the creativity department and so finding something to write about is often difficult. I may continue the practice of daily writing for a time - I don't really know. My counter says that this is my 2,466th post. If I post everyday in December and throw in a couple of bonus posts, I could begin 2023 with post number 2500. 

Today I'm going to cherish my morning coffee and quiet time knowing that I don't have to get in the car and be on the road for most of the day like I have for the past four consecutive days. I may not leave the house or even get out of my pajamas today. This post means I've already accomplished something. Maybe I'll call it a day.

I hope that you were able to accomplish a goal for the month of November. 
No big deal if you didn't.
December begins tomorrow. 


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Certain People

We arrived home around 7pm Sunday night after having been gone for a week. The cupboards were bare.
I ran out to the nearby Dollar General to pick up a few things, but found them to be completely out of milk, as well. I decided to make the 10 mile trip to the grocery store. 

Now, I'm not one of those people that goes on about God directing our paths to meet certain people at certain times, but I was very pleased at a chance meeting with friend that I haven't seen in some time.  This person (that I really don't know well) is one of those people that just brings a good energy with him, one of those people that makes you feel better for having been around him. He was with his daughter and we only had a brief conversation, but it was really grand to see him. 

Coming off the Thanksgiving weekend it is easy to be thankful for little things like a chance meeting with a great guy. I really need to keep the attitude of gratitude and recognizing the little things in life that boost my daily energy and make me feel grateful. 
Even as my Sunday night meeting was unexpected, my Monday night planned gathering with a couple of old classmates was once again a boost to my spirit. I'll get to see my cousin this morning and they (she and her husband) are bringing blankets and winter items to donate to my friends at The Connecting Grounds.
I expect the 6+ hr trip home to be a breeze today. 

My introverted personality keeps me from interacting with too many people. I am grateful for the boundaries I've set and for the really great people that are a part of my life.
It's several days past Thanksgiving Day. What makes you feel grateful today?


Monday, November 28, 2022

Church Attendance

It's not often that I actually go to church anymore. Time, distance, availability of live stream, pandemic habits - have all made actually going to church easy to avoid. We were on the road with my Catholic mom yesterday and I found a nearby Catholic church and accompanied her to Mass.

There are thngs about the Catholic Mass that I really like and even miss a little bit. There are also things that I find a little disturbing (maybe a topic for another day). It is pretty rare that I find the Homily or message part of the service to be engaging, but the priest yesterday was very good at delivering a message. He could have been an evangelist in a previous life, but I don't think Catholics believe in such things (previous life or evangelism).

From serving on the Church Council at The Venues and following pastors and churches on social media, I am aware that many churches are finding post pandemic attendance numbers to remain far below the pre-pandemic numbers. I really don't know about the religious habits and practicies of my readers anymore, but I am wondering if your church attendance habits have changed in the past few years.
Would you care to share in the comments?

Just wondering,


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Christmas Decorations

Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas is less than a month away. We saw houses decorated with Christmas lights as we were driving through Kansas last night. We will be home later today to our undecorated home. We've never been big on the outdoor Christmas lights and in the past few years, we've gone much less on the indoor decorations, as well. We'll have a tree, some Santa figurines, a Nativity scene, and not a lot else.
Also, I'm not a big fan of that white Christmas crap. I'd much prefer a warm, sunny afternoon that I can comfortably enjoy a smoke and a spiked egg nog on the deck. 

As I dig out the few Christmas decorations, I'll be putting on the bah-humbug, as well. But that's for later in the week. We'll finish our drive home to SWMO today and I'll be on the road tomorrow to take Mom back to Metamora. Chris has been driving the CO to MO part of the trip so I'll be ready for the MO-IL-MO drive on Monday and Tuesday. It is a lot of car time, but it has been a worthwhile trip. 

I didn't realize what boring travelers we are until we added a third person to the car. There isn't a lot of conversation on most of our car trips. We listen to music, one drives, the other reads, yeah-pretty boring.
Sorry, Mom.

I'm getting Mom to a Catholic church for Mass this morning and we'll be back on the road by noon, home this evening. Christmas decorations will have to wait.



Saturday, November 26, 2022

Friday Night

Otherwise, I'll post more later.


Friday, November 25, 2022

No More Black Fridays

It is a little hard to be critical of the hoards of shoppers that make Black Friday shopping a holiday tradition. Although I have never made it into a big deal, I have taken advantage of some of the sale items in the past. These days I am more than happy to avoid the stores, the crowds, and the whole big commercialization of the entire Christmas season.

It's a nice day here today. We'll take Freya out to a dog park. Aaron bought a new softball glove and is hoping to break it in with a session of catch with Jenny. And we hope to make an evening trip to the brewery of the guy that secured the shooter from the club shooting a few days ago, here in CO Springs.
Tomorrow begins the trip home to SWMO followed by the round trip to Metamora.
It's been a good week.

As much as we all enjoy each other's company, I'm sure that getting back to the normal, everyday routine will bring its comfort to everybody. Being in one's own space (or in Hannah's case-having your space back to yourself) does bring a peaceful feeling to the spirit and is much more stress free than sharing space with others, even others that you love. 

Whether you spend your weekend shopping, Christmas parading, or quietly by yourself or with a few friends, I wish you well. 
To those that shop, Happy deal hunting. I hope you find the bargains and endorphin rush from your adventure.
As for me, I'm thankful that Black Fridays are a thing of the past.


Thursday, November 24, 2022


Happy Thanksgiving to all of my US readers!

These past few years of retirement have truly given me a perspective of gratitude. I realize that although I live a simple life, I am extremely privileged to do so. I have both the ability to stay home and peacefully enjoy the quiet of the deck with a cigar and a drink, and the ability to travel to visit my kids that are living in places they have chosen to live--Colorado Springs CO and Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Additionally, Chris was able to travel to Nova Scotia this past summer to meet with some of our Canadien friends for a girls weekend.

We are spending this Thanksgiving in CO Springs. Our Mexico kids have flown up and my mom is with us, as well. While we are opting for a dinner of Filipino food instead of the usual turkey and dressing, we expect to have an enjoyable day and full bellies by its end.

Yesterday we rode to the summit of Pikes Peak via the cog railway. It was beautiful! One of the landmarks we could see on the distant horizon was Black Mesa, Oklahoma--200 miles away! 
We were so awestruck by the amazing vistas and a little limited on time due to the train schedule, that we failed to take the obligatory selfie at the summit! With such beauty all around, why ruin it by placing this mug in the foreground?


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday Wisdom

Love your family.
Cherish your moments together.

Last night we were able to just sit around the table, enjoy a good meal (Asian noodles by Mom), play cards, visit, and plan our time together. It was pretty awesome.
I know it didn't look like much, but we are seldom all together so it really makes this dad feel good when we are together.

When times are difficult (and they sometimes are), we are there for one another. 
When times are joyous, we celebrate together.
I am thrilled that the kids get to live in places that make them happy.
I am not so happy that those places are far away from us. It has been a long time since I've watched the weekend fights with Aaron or gone out for an afternoon coffee with Hannah. 

I am going to enjoy these next few days!

Over the past few years, I have met more and more wonderful people that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. With that, I have met far too many that have been shunned by their families. I cannot understand this at all and my heart breaks for my friends that have been rejected by the people that are supposed to be there for them - especially the ones that are rejected for the sake of religion. I can't imagine the additional pain they feel at the holidays. I'm reminded of the warning Jesus gives in The Sermon on the Mount - You will be judged with the same measure that you use to judge others.
I want that to be a measure that is full of grace and love.

I saw this and shared it on Facebook a day or so ago. My FB memories from today shows I shared a very similar post three years ago.

Let's get the love part right, especially where family is concerned.


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Badass and the Big Dog

My mom wants to be a badass.
Maybe if she had a big dog like Freya she could pull it off.
I think Freya is bigger!


Monday, November 21, 2022

Phone Post

Posting from my phone this morning because my laptop is in the car and at 17f it can stay there for now.

We spent the evening catching up with the kids and making some plans for the week. We'll do Thanksgiving with a Filipino twist and we will brave the cold to see Garden of the Gods, travel up Pikes Peak, and visit the cliff dwellings. We know that the train ride up to the Peak is going to be freezing!

Today we'll grocery shop for the week's meals and maybe watch a movie this evening. Hannah is working most days so we'll figure things out on our own.

I haven't seen the month long thankfulness posts on social media. Maybe people are feeling less thankful this year. I don't know. I do know that I am as thankful as I have ever been. It certainly doesn't mean that life is perfect. I think I have come to the place where I accept the imperfections as life. 

Maybe we have fooled ourselves into believing that life is supposed to be perfect or that we should strive for perfection. It's a sad and vain pursuit if you ask me. Life seems better when you can enjoy the moment rather than always be in search of something better.

Be thankful,


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sunday Drive

Time in the car is getting to be a familiar thing. Six+ hours on Wednesday and Thursday, and another six hours yesterday and six more today. Personally, I would have made the 12 hours to Colorado Springs in a single day. Maybe on the way home next week. On the way home, we'll lose an hour, so we'd need an early start, and I realize that not everyone is as comfortable on an all-day car trip.
...Or getting up early.
No worries. I'm pretty easy about such things.

Depending on the sunlight, I may add a post while riding in the car since Chris is doing the driving. Maybe not. I thought about it yesterday, but the computer was packed in the back. I may keep it with me today. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing the kids today.

Be well.
Enjoy your Sunday.


Saturday, November 19, 2022


We've got our traveling schedule backwards. We were in Puerto Vallarta while it was still hot and are traveling to Colorado Springs when it's cold. We need to switch that around.

One of the downsides of working the cold weather shelter this winter is the commitment to staying put for the winter. I know there will be days in January and February that I may regret having made such a commitment. I'll probably spend those days booking a spring trip or virtually shopping for condos on a beach somewhere.

I think we are overdue for a beach trip with our Canadian friends. Chris was in Nova Scotia for a girls' weekend in June, but it has been a while since I've seen them. And while Canada in the summertime might be fine, I'd much prefer a beach trip in the tropics - even in the summer! Planning such an adventure might be a project for one of those cold winter days that is coming. 
Maybe I'll plan a summer road trip on the motorcycle. I could plan a basehall and bike trip, riding from MLB stadium to stadium. Although my last bike trip was fun, I don't have the same enthusiasm for long days on the bike that I once had. I don't know. It might be that I just need to ride more often. 

In any case, we have travel plans for the Thanksgiving holiday and will probably be home for the rest of the cold weather season. We'll have to make up for that come springtime.

Tell me your travel stories.
Got any recommendations?


Friday, November 18, 2022

Rest Day

Having been retired for almost 8 years, it is rare that I need a day of rest. 
It's been a pretty busy week for my usually dormant life and I am looking forward to doing very little today. Tomorrow will find me back in the car and on the road, so it's an easy day but with its own kind of stress. 

The morning fire in the fireplace and my last cup of coffee from Oaxaca Mexico is a fine way to begin the day. 
I'm curious about how others begin their day to set themselves up for a good day. I know people that spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, or practicing a morning meditation. 
I know that there are many people that attack (a purposefully chosen word) the day seeking to conquer any problems or problem people that get in their way, while others just roll with the tide and sail seemingly unencumbered by the trials and struggles of the people around them. 

I do wish that I would have been more mindfully aware earlier in life. I think that I've always been pretty positive in my approach to life, but I also believe that I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to convince less positive people that there is a better way. It was an occupational hazard of an evangelist/preacher.
Now that I'm out of the "you need to change so God will love you" mindset I can work on the "I need to change so I can see that God already loves you (and me, too)" mindset.
It's a strange phenomena that evangelicals pull every text about the depravity of man out of the Bible to use against us, but fail to use the creation story of God looking at all of creation (including humankind) and declaring it good, very good!

If you need a restful mantra to begin your day, try this:
Look in the mirror or just close your eyes and repeat this to yourself,
"I am created by God, in the image of God. God looks at me and says that I am good, very good!"


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Times Change

I just read a Facebook memory from 12 years ago about cruising through the first of three mids. After finishing three mids at the shelter this week (and driving to Central IL) I was pretty wiped out. I slept a pretty solid 8.5 hours last night. And that was after a couple of caffeinated sodas within an hour or so of bedtime!
I don't know if it's age, being out of practice, or both, but it ain't like the old days. That's for sure!

Thursday is off to a slow start. I'll be on the road for home in a bit - another 6+ hours in the car. There will be more car riding/driving this weekend as we hit the road to Colorado for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

But first--
Mom just decided that she's hungry and that I'm supposed to fix her something to eat, so I'll get back to you tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Last Minute Post

Okay, so it's not exactly a last minute post; more like a final hour post.
It is in the final minutes of the day to successfully count this as posting on November 16th.

It has been a long day. Overnight at the shelter with a little more than the quiet, uneventful nights we normally experience, a 4 hr sleep, a few errands and then a 6+ hour drive to Central IL.  I arrived about 10pm and will be heading home shortly after 10am in the morning. It's too short of a trip to connect with my old buddies, maybe on the return trip after Thanksgiving.

I've been thinking about the people at the shelter and how serving them has changed me. This is one of those posts that I think I want to take some time with. If you haven't heard from me about this in the next week or so, feel free to remind me about it. I think it is worth examining.

That's it for today.
Expect another short post for tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Good, Bad, Indifferent

I made it to the middle of the month and posted every day. I don't know if I'll keep it up or not.
I like writing. I like sharing thoughts, ideas, books, etc., but I'm not sure if I'll keep it up. The idea of writing every day is a challenge for me. The real challenge is in trying to organize the scattered thoughts in my head into something that actually makes sense once I put the words together in written form.

Coming into the shelter tonight I was thinking about the great work that many people around our city are doing to help others. So much kind work and so many good deeds seem to go unnoticed by the news or by people in general. Bad news gets talked about, good news doesn't.
There are probably as many good people doing good things as there are jerks and dumb m/f-ers doing bad things, but we just never hear about it because good deeds don't make for good ratings. Maybe the real problem isn't with bad people doing bad things. Maybe it's with the majority of people being indifferent about good people and their good deeds and bad people and their bad deeds.

Maybe we (I) need to do more to share good stories and spend less time sharing or talking about the bad stories. I do this little thing about working in the shelters during the cold weather season. But the real work is being done all of the time - especially during the cold weather season. By the time I got to the shelter tonight, hundreds of meals had already been served by volunteers in our community and so much coordination between the different agencies and groups that try to organize the shelters and get as many people as possible into warm, safe beds on cold, wet nights like tonight. 

Typing away on my keyboard while a few dozen people sleep isn't exactly difficult work. The difficult part of tonight's work was in having to turn people away or find an alternate place for them to shelter for the night. One man had been waiting outside the shelter for quite some time, but he didn't know that he needed to sign up to reserve a place here. He had to wait until the people that had signed up were in and then hope there were cots left. There weren't. His frustration and anger showed in his tears as he just wanted in out of the cold and rain, and to know that he'd be safe and warm for the night. We were able to find him a bed at another shelter and provide the transportation to get him (and others) into a safe and warm place to sleep. 
The situation will repeat itself over the coming nights and throughout the winter as there are literally hundreds of people that will not be able to find shelter on cold nights. I think the indifference of our City Council is the major player in ignoring the growing problem of homelessness in our community. 

This is what I mean when I talk about not having thoughts organized and just writing stuff. It might be better to just write it as I'm thinking about it rather than never getting around to actually writing something more well organized and more well written. 

More unorganized rambling tomorrow.


Monday, November 14, 2022

The Midwatch

It's been a little while since I've worked the midshift. In ATC world I worked a lot of mids. Light traffic most of the night, light staffing, no supervisors - what's not to like?

Working the overnight mid at the shelter isn't bad. I'm back again for the next couple of nights. I didn't really pre-sleep the for last night's shift, so I should sleep well today. I had a quick post-mid meal, grilled cheese sandwich topped with a fried egg. It's a pretty tasty, eat with a fork kind of sandwich.


I'll be up for a little bit to get into rhythm for the coming nights.
I'm expecting to sleep pretty well.


Saturday, November 12, 2022


Cold weather has made it to the Ozarks!
This isn't my preferred way of spending my more coffee and quiet time, but I'm pretty certain it will become the norm in the coming months.

I am ready for spring.

Last night was the first night Springfield's overnight cold weather shelters were open. 
Chris and a friend joined me to help get guests settled at one of the shelters. The set-up and hospitality crew is usually out of there by 10pm. We were out a little earlier last night. 
Due to this early overnight freezing streak, I'll be starting my overnight monitor duties a little earlier than planned. I know that spending the night at the shelter then working the next day isn't an option for most people, but there are other areas where volunteers are needed. Talk to me if you'd like to help in some way.

Stay warm
...and consider donating blankets, coats, hats, gloves, etc., to a shelter or organization in your area.


Friday, November 11, 2022


I've been in a bit of a reading funk lately.
I'm still reading every day but these last couple of non-fiction, full of science data reads have slowed me down quite a bit, sometimes just a chapter a day. Interesting stuff, but not something you can just breeze through. Learning stuff is work - even when you don't have to. It's a good reminder that I probably would be wasting time and money to go back to school for any reason.

My Kindle streak is still intact at 445 consecutive days, 100 consecutive weeks, plus there are those occasional books - you know, actual paper and ink books - that I pick up from the library or buy. I'm at 70 books for the year with two currently open. 
The oncoming winter may inspire more reading time, though that's hard to imagine for a retired guy.

My current books are Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnemen and The Day the Revolution Began by N. T. Wright, both nonfiction which is rare for me. Reading more than one book at a time isn't unusual for me. Reading more than one nonfiction book at a time is.

What are you reading?


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Tell me something good!

I started to write and complain about the coming cold weather, but decided that I didn't want to be negative today. I want to be positive and add good energy to the world. I want to enjoy the sunny day and get a little work done outside. I need to charge my internal battery to full because I have to be out and with people tonight and I'm not really looking forward to it.

Give me some non-political good stuff!
Send some good energy my way.
Has someone been kind to you?
Have you done something for someone else?
Read a good book?
Seen a good movie?
Help a guy out, would you?


Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Election Results: What Now?

Election results are still coming in and probably will be for a couple of days.
The Georgia Senate race may go to a run-off election (early December) and is at least headed toward a recount to determine if the candidate with the most votes was able to top the 50% mark.
Around the country there was no red wave, although it is likely that House control shifts from Democrat (blue) to Republican (red). It looks like the Democrats will maintain their minimal margin of control in the Senate.
It will probably be a matter of weeks before we are into exploratory committees and declarations of candidacy for the 2024 election cycle. Ugh!

What I'm doing today is:
*  Waiting for an internet service installation (sometime between 8am and noon)
*  Checking the weather forecast and volunteer list for the shelter for the coming week
*  Smoking a cigar and reading a book on the deck this afternoon
*  Practicing a little magic (probably very little)
*  Going to a church council meeting this evening

Pretty much what I do every day.

What is your post election day like?


Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Election Day Privilege

I'll be voting today.
I don't expect any long lines in my small rural community.
And, in spite of being a half Asian Democrat in a nearly all white and deeply red community, I expect no trouble nor obstruction when casting my ballot. To most people, I'm just another old, white guy.

In a recent conversation with someone that is very concerned about the outcome of today's election, I made the comment that regardless of the outcome, tomorrow will find me sitting on my deck, smoking a cigar, sipping some bourbon and listening to music.
This morning of election day I am realizing just how privileged I am to be able to be so unconcerned about the elestion results.



Monday, November 07, 2022

November's Full Moon

The first full moon of November (for years when there are two) is known as the Beaver Moon. 
It is time to set your winter traps before the small waterways freeze, so that you can have a good harvest of furs throughout the winter. 

This year's Beaver Moon will occur in tomorrow's early morning hours for the Central US and will be the last total lunar eclipse for a few years. During a total lunar eclipse, the moon takes on a deep reddish color and is often called a blood moon, Tomorrow morning's Beaver Blood Moon has generated quite a few comments on various sites. For my less depraved friends, I'll spare you the examples. I'm sure that most of you can imagine what they might be.

Every night, as the moon (in any phase) passes through the sky, it blocks out, or occults, hundreds of other stars and occasionally planets from view. This year's Beaver Blood Moon will block the view of -- yep, you guessed it -- Uranus!


Yeah, this retired guy will be up in the early morning hours to check out the Beaver Blood Moon. To be fair, I'd be up to see it even if I had to get up for work on Tuesday morning. The science of astronomy and our solar system fascinates me. 


Sunday, November 06, 2022

Oh! The Dreaded Time Change

It means that we'll be hearing the complaints of how early it gets dark (here in the Northern hemisphere) for the next few months. It should be noted that the actual daylight hours don't change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. Moving the clocks back and forth doesn't change anything when it comes to the earth's rotation on its axis or its orbit around the sun. Days will get shorter for another six weeks or so and then - without doing anything to the clocks - they'll start to get longer. 
Weird how it happens every year like that.

For those that are thinking that the spring will bring permanent DST to the US - that bill was only passed in the Senate. It hasn't even been heard in the House, and so hasn't been signed by the President. No permanent DST is currently on the horizon.

It is a strange thing that we enjoy complaining about things that we cannot change or worrying about things that will happen or not without regard to our concern.
I like my coffee mug saying - God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know when to just go riding!
Sure, there will be days when it's a little cool for a motorcycle ride, but I've got gear for those days if I still want to ride...and I just might.

What are your go-to complaints of things that are beyond your control?
Does sharing them with others make you feel better?
Or do you have another method for dealing with them (like going riding, listening to music, or something more detrimental like excessive drinking or fits of anger)?

Let's hear it.
This is your venting opportunity for the day.


Saturday, November 05, 2022

What do you watch?

I'm not a big TV watcher. I watch UFC fights about every Saturday evening. Occasionally I watch a hockey game. I watch a few series on my phone while I'm chillin' on the deck, but I don't typically spend a lot of time watching shows.

Recently, Chris and I watched the 7 show series on Netflix called The Watcher. It was pretty creepy when you consider that it is based on a real life story.
I am working my way through the Amazon Prime series The Musketeers, and recently finished the two seasons of El Cid on Prime. I rarely watch more than one show at a time and often don't even finish a whole episode before I decide that I'm going to read or do something else for the time being and watch the rest of it later.

While I do like watching the occasional series, I mostly prefer to read, listen to music, read while listening to music, or sit quietly and contemplate life while savoring a good Nicaraguan cigar and sipping some bourbon or tequila.

What do you watch?
Or do you prefer something else?


Friday, November 04, 2022

Tech Challenged

It is a good thing that I can live well without all of today's technology because I really suck at it.
Admittedly, part of sucking at it is being too cheap to invest a lot of money into newer stuff.

Here's where I am:
I've been going through some of my old magic stuff. I've got hundreds (more like a couple thousand) of dollars tied up in books, VHS tapes (yes, they are that old), and DVDs. I do have an old player that I can connect to a TV to watch the DVDs, but would rather have something more portable. I was going to look for a portable DVD player (they still make those, right?) but thought that I have a couple of old laptops with DVD players (remember those) and I could probably use one of those.

Holy crap! Those old machines are heavy enough to anchor a barge!
Anyway, the ten year old technology is as slow as a slug, takes forever to boot up, and is more than a little frustrating to work with. I eventually did get the DVD player to work, but will probably end up just buying a portable player. 
However, there were a number of old video files stored on the hard drive that I want to retrieve and save. I found a thumb drive, eventually got the old computer to recognize it and was able to transfer the files to the external drive.
BUT...those old files are in a format not recognized by the technology of my current Chromebook! Ugh!
I don't know if the files would be recognized by any other current technology or a contempory laptop, but I guess I'll do a little research (with my limited knowledge and skills) and see what I can come up with.

If it turns out that I can't figure it out - maybe I'll just fire up another cigar, pour another drink, read a real paper and ink book, and learn magic the old fashioned, tech-free way.

heavy sigh


Thursday, November 03, 2022

New Twitter

I'm thinking about Twitter and the hub-bub around its purchase by Elon Musk.
I've kept my account and haven't noticed a great deal of difference other than I am seeing fewer tweets from the less conservative news feeds and posters that I follow.

I don't know if it is because they have decided not to use this media or because of a design to limit what I see in the way of more liberal posts. Or maybe it is just an untimely coincidence.
Just an observation.

When I feel like taking the time, I may go to certain sites directly to see if they are posting stuff that just isn't making it to my feed. That would be interesting - free speech says they can post what they want vs ownership saying they'll share certain things less than others.

For now I'm not concerned enough to take the time to examine it. Maybe some news feed is already on it.
Admittedly, I am subjected to confirmation bias - leaning into posts that agree with my positions more than those that don't. I do try to be educated about my positions and try not to rely on only a few select sources for information to come to my conclusions, but I imagine most people feel they do the same.

I'll keep my Twitter account for the time being. I'm not going to pay to keep it. I expect there will be more advertising, but that is the cost we all pay for free social media. As with other social media platforms, I have relatively few followers and try to be selective about the accounts I follow. The Musk model of say what ever you want and let the public sort out the truth is too tiresome for me so I fear I may have to abandon Twitter at some point. Differing opinions are one thing; outright lies and purposeful misinformation is another.

Have you noticed any changes in your Twitter feed?
Just wondering.


Wednesday, November 02, 2022

A Love/Hate Relationship

I'm wondering about Love vs. Hate.
Yeah, I'm wondering about the relationship between love and hate -- not the love/hate kind of thing where you both love and hate the same thing or person, but I'm wondering why it is so much easier to spread hate than it is to spread love.

Obviously it is way easier to ignore someone or someone's need than it is to do something.
Is indifference the same thing as hate? Is not helping someone the same as hurting them?
Maybe indifference isn't the same as hating, but it certainly seems to create a breeding ground for hate to fester and grow. Maybe indifference is a kind of passive hate rather than the active hate of actually doing harm to someone. 
It seems that there is way too much of both today.

It doesn't seem like kind, loving words would be more difficult to share than harsh, hateful ones, but we see and hear far too few kind words while being bombarded with hateful and demeaning words.
What would happen if we were all more purposeful about sharing loving words and kind actions?
What would happen if we were less indifferent and more involved in issues of social justice?
What would happen if we all pointed out indifferent and hateful words and actions when we see them?
What would happen if we stopped sharing hateful tweets/posts/memes/etc.?
What would happen if we made spreading love as natural as being indifferent or spreading hate?

Just wondering...
