Sunday, November 06, 2022

Oh! The Dreaded Time Change

It means that we'll be hearing the complaints of how early it gets dark (here in the Northern hemisphere) for the next few months. It should be noted that the actual daylight hours don't change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. Moving the clocks back and forth doesn't change anything when it comes to the earth's rotation on its axis or its orbit around the sun. Days will get shorter for another six weeks or so and then - without doing anything to the clocks - they'll start to get longer. 
Weird how it happens every year like that.

For those that are thinking that the spring will bring permanent DST to the US - that bill was only passed in the Senate. It hasn't even been heard in the House, and so hasn't been signed by the President. No permanent DST is currently on the horizon.

It is a strange thing that we enjoy complaining about things that we cannot change or worrying about things that will happen or not without regard to our concern.
I like my coffee mug saying - God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know when to just go riding!
Sure, there will be days when it's a little cool for a motorcycle ride, but I've got gear for those days if I still want to ride...and I just might.

What are your go-to complaints of things that are beyond your control?
Does sharing them with others make you feel better?
Or do you have another method for dealing with them (like going riding, listening to music, or something more detrimental like excessive drinking or fits of anger)?

Let's hear it.
This is your venting opportunity for the day.


1 comment:

  1. I'm going against the grain and voting for permanent DST. Since I don't get up until noon I need all the daylight I can get.

    And I forgot to set the clocks back last night so when I got up at 12 today it was only 11, not that it made any difference.
