Friday, December 01, 2023


I've managed to pick up a nasty cough/cold. Since I never go anywhere, I'm guessing that I picked it up working at the shelter on one of the nights I was there. Slightly warmer nights this week is giving me some time off, so hopefully I'll kick it before it's time to go back. I think I may go back to masking in the tight quarters of the shelter.

I'm mostly a pretty healthy guy and rarely get colds or sickness. I seem to have a strong immune system. Right now I'm hoping that this head congestion and post-nasal drip doesn't turn into a sinus infection. The worst part is the coughing makes sleep difficult and my abs are sore. My throat is also getting sore.

I did get my seasonal flu shot. My volunteer work at the hospital requires it. My preferred method of avoiding illness is just to stay away from people. That isn't always an option.
Again ... 

The cool, rainy days aren't helping. I always feel better with some sun exposure -- even if it isn't really warm out. By Sunday it should be mid 50s and sunny. If I haven't kicked this by then, maybe the sun will help.

How do you handle colds, cough due to cold, nasal or sinus congestion, etc.?
Do you have a favorite home remedy?
A go-to OTC product?
Vitamin C, zinc, garlic?
Or do you just ride it out?

Help me out here.



Mike said...

I haven't had one of those in ... since I can remember. I stay away from people. Did you get the latest Covid shot? We did. And the RSV shot.

Infidel753 said...

I always get the various vaccines on offer. That's the best way to avoid getting sick, or make it less severe if you do get sick. It's not possible to avoid people all the time.

If I get a cold or some such thing -- ibuprofen, tea, staying hydrated, and of course avoiding other people while sick, to avoid passing it on.