Wednesday, October 25, 2017

More on Believing in God

I just wanted to add a little bit to my simplistic reasoning in favor of believing in God.

In nature, nothing moves from chaos to an organized structure.  The opposite happens -- things that are organized become corrupted. Everything about the natural world around has has such a specific, and often complicated design. This design can't happen by random coincidence.

An argument that is as old as the Cosmological Argument is the Teleological Argument in favor of an Intelligent Designer. It simply says that anything with a design, must have a designer. The universe has design. Therefore, the universe must have a designer.

Again, it's a pretty simple view, but it makes good sense to me.
The Bible says that God has shown himself to man in the things he has created (Rom 1:20).

I should also say that simply believing there is a Creator or Intelligent Designer doesn't mean that there is a moral god or that this supernatural being cares about what happens to the works that have been created. That's an issue yet to be addressed.

At one time, the common thought was that the universe was eternal; that it has always been.
That would eliminate the Cosmological Argument since it deals with things that have a beginning. Science tells us that the universe did have a beginning; a singular moment in time when it began to exist!

I find it pleasing and completely natural that the very laws of nature would point us to something supernatural to explain its beginning!
I am also amused by people that refuse to look outside of science or nature to explain creation, but rather choose to say they simply don't know what could have been before that singular moment or what could have possibly caused it.
I truly believe that it takes way more faith to say the universe began, but we don't know how, than to believe in a Supreme Being that acted to create it.

Just rambling a bit this morning.
Have a grand day.

John <><

1 comment:

eViL pOp TaRt said...

A very interesting perspective, John!