Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Clash of the Seasons: a free verse poem

Winter will not go quietly.
As the Spring sun gently warms the earth,
Winter blasts with cold winds from the north.
She tries to send a final covering of snow,
But Spring's warmth turns it to rain.

The plants yearn for warmth and light.
They look forward to displaying their bright colors.
The animals are ready to play in the fields.
The birds are returning to soar through the skies.
But Winter drives them back to their dens and nests one final time.

Winter declares, "I'll not leave!"
Spring whispers, "Be patient. I am coming."
Winter howls and tosses its remaining dead leaves and twigs.
Spring waits and will soon declare her own presence with showers and flowers.
"Tomorrow," she says.

Silently in the night,
The earth glides past that imaginary celestial line in its annual orbit.
We wake up and the night is over.
With the morning, comes Spring.

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