Thursday, November 07, 2024

I've got nothin'

It's Thursday and the day I usually post some religious or spiritual kind of thing, but today I really am not feeling it.
I'm not sure why. I do not believe it has anything to do with the election results. I don't feel particularly down about that to the point that I think it impacts my spiritual well being. 
I'm not feeling anger towards people, nor do I feel like lashing out with some word-salad rant.

I do recognize two things about myself in this moment--
     1) I do not feel like I have love to give
     2) I feel drained of energy or positive life force

I need to recharge.
Typically I recharge alone. There are a few people that give off that life giving energy and I am lifted up by their presence, but they are rare and being alone is relatively easy for this retired guy living in a rural area.
I have started taking walks around our 5-acre lot. Once around the perimeter is just under a half mile -- .48 miles (.78km). There isn't anything interesting about it. It's just an old fescue pasture. There are a couple of rolling hills to navigate with a 31' (9.4m) difference between the high point and low point, but that's about it. But it is a nice walk and being outside brings its own energy into the picture. I've walked it barefoot once and may do that today. Touching the earth is another good source of energy.

Nature's energy -- being outside, the sunlight, the ground contact, breathing the air around the trees at the back property line -- offers more than just its life giving spirit; it also comes with a calming peaceful aura. Feeling connected to nature makes me feel connected with nature's Creator.
And that's a good thing.
It has been a long time since I've taken a purposefully, meditative walk. Maybe I'll grab my mala today and use it to keep me focused. I haven't used it in quite sometime, either.

These are things I do to reconnect with God.
How do you connect or reconnect with God/the Universe/your true self/whatever you call that higher power?
What do you do when you feel like your prayers are lost in the void?
Where do you find peace in the chaos?
Is it a place?
Is it a person?
Is it a thing?
How do you recharge?

Find your peace
Be well
Come back next week and maybe I'll have something more spiritual to share.



Colleen said...

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Colleen said...

I facilitate an adult Faith Formation class meeting weekly. This month we're talking about why we gather in community to worship. The end of a story we're reading this week goes like this:

And so she began walking in the woods on Sunday mornings. Alone with her thoughts and the rustling leaves, she felt a freedom she had not known in a long time. She got more from the sunshine than from a year of sermons, and the birds surpassed any anthem she’d heard. This was good. This was right. The woods were her sanctuary. The wind was all the preaching she needed.
This continued for some time, until one day she realized that the birds sang together, and the trees swayed as one, but she was by herself. No squirrel cared that she had a new grandchild; no rhododendron could help her wrestle with her mother’s Alzheimer’s. The flora and fauna did not face what she faced as a human, and so could not offer their understanding. Nor could she really offer herself to any of them.
So she returned to her congregation. And she saw herself in the people who were trying to live what they believed. And she heard her life in the hymns and the readings and the sermons. (Or, at least, some of the time.) And she never gave up her walks in the woods, but she realized she needed both.
Spirit in Practice Tapestry of Faith “She’d had enough”