Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom -- Travel

It is good to be home.
There are so many simple things that just make being home wonderful:
  sleeping in your own bed
  sitting in a familiar chair
  drinking your morning coffee from one of your favorite mugs
  even using your own bathroom!

It was a short visit with Hannah, Jason, and the pups, but we had a good time. This was our first fall trip to the mountains and the brilliance of the yellow aspens against the dark green conifers is truly something to see.
It was unseasonably warm this past week -- upper 80s everyday, so it remained shorts and t-shirt weather. We walked through downtown CO Springs on Friday night and had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Saturday we drove up to around 9500' and had a campfire dinner that was tasty and enjoyable. On Sunday afternoon we went to one of my favorite places -- Manitou Springs. It has a bit of the feel of Eureka Springs, AR. It's kind of artsy and hippie-ish with a little mountain man vibe thrown in for good measure.

Although mountain life wouldn't be my personal choice for everyday, I can certainly see the attraction. The wilderness has its own spirituality and way of connecting to the soul. If there was a Venn diagram of urban life, wilderness, and hippie life -- Colorado would be right in the center! I am happy to have someone there to visit and to have a reason to make regular trips to the mountains. This was really an ideal time of year to go.

But it is also good to be home.
Go to some different places.
Appreciate the beauty of each place.
Return home better for having seen and experienced a little more of life.


This formation is called The Cathedral and was near where we had our campfire dinner. The second pic is from our dinner site. There was a cold stream that ran right next to where we set up our campfire.