Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Never-ending Task


It's a good thing that I enjoy being outside and find comfort and strength from contact with the Earth.
Our property is five acres of former pasture land. About 1 acre is what I would call our "yard," and the rest is "the field." It all has to be mowed.

Most of the daily work is in the yard. Most of the original lawn (both seed and soil) washed out and is growing nicely at the bottom of the hill where the yard slopes away from the house. That leaves mostly weeds and rocks where our current yard exists. We brought in a few tons of soil for the washed out areas and reseeded last fall, but it will take a few years to get a nice lawn. Plus we have a few flower beds and landscaping plans to tend to that take frequent care.

This year's garden is relatively small, but I have a feeling that it might be growing a little bit as the years pass. It is exciting to see seeds sprouting and plants pushing through the soil. I still have the desire to travel and even live on a tropical beach, but have to admit that I'm starting to feel connected to this little piece of land and this home.
I would like to have a couple of bee hives and hope to add solar panels, but doubt that those things will happen this year.

Today will be more raking up straw from the areas I reseeded last fall and will be applying weed and feed tomorrow. I hit half the yard with weed and feed a week ago and some of the little weed boogers are dying off. After the second half gets its dose, I'll be over seeding again and trying to get some decent grass to grow.

I'm also hoping to add some fruit trees to the field area. I bought some root ball makers and if anyone local has fruit trees and would allow be to have a small branch to replant I would be grateful. It's supposed to take about two weeks to produce the roots before cutting the branch and replanting.

I'm actually kind of excited to try this out. 
We may end up with a mini orchard, too!

As you can see, it truly is a never-ending task.
So far, I still enjoy it. Part of what makes it enjoyable is that I work until I don't feel like working anymore. Some days it's only a couple of hours, others it may be most of the day. Most days are started on the deck with coffee and my computer (like now) and most days end on my deck listening to the night sounds and finding peace in the moment. At some point during the afternoon, I might be relaxing with a good cigar and a cool drink.

Retirement does not suck.



Mike said...

I think it was on TV where I saw a guy complaining about being bored with retirement and needing to go back to work. Some people have no imagination.

John A Hill said...

Mike - Yeah, I don't get it. So many retired people working - not because they need to, but because they haven't figured that retirement is such an incredible gig.