Sunday, October 19, 2014

Random thoughts on my pending retirement

It's not often that I post from my phone, but this morning finds my with time on my hands, thoughts in my head and my phone as my only handy media device.

With just fifteen work weeks left in my incredibly average ATC career, "What's next?" is a question I hear (and think about) often.

I really doubt that I'll have to get used to not going to work everyday. I'm pretty sure that I'll fall into that habit quite easily. I do expect that it will take some time to adjust to a new normal and allocating my time to a new schedule.

I do not expect to be bored!

I have been unable to devote the proper time to working on and marketing the magic show that I bought last year. That will be a priority. I've never really considered myself as a professional magician; perhaps the new show and new market will change my personal perspective.

Another thing that I haven't done in the past (haven't had to) is to be proactive about booking revivals, camps or other ministry events. With no work schedule to get in the way, I'm looking forward to a more active ministry calendar.

I've considered going back to school. A degree in Biblical studies would be nice for the pedigree, but I'm not sure how necessary it is at this point. Chris has pointed out that I read and learn plenty on my own and sees little practical benefit from the official piece of paper.

If I were to consider a different area for continued education, it would be something along the lines of herbal medicine or some kind of natural wellness or natural health studies. Once again, I'm not sure that I'd need the degree since I doubt that a professional practice is in my future. It would just be for my own interests and those that might share them.

And there is writing...
I do want to have a daily writing time. I don't know if I'll ever write a book or a magazine article; I just know I need to write.

And travel!
Yes, definitely need to plan a few trips.
Spring training in Florida.
Spring in Australia (our Fall).
Beaches in Mexico any time the sun is shining.
And there is weekend camp in Canada that we need crash in the summer.

No, I don't believe that I'll be bored.

When the fun stuff runs out, there are plenty of household projects to keep me busy.

Life is good!

John <><


Mike said...

BEfore you retire you're going to have to prove that you CAN fall asleep.

Kevin Gilmore said...

That's closing in quickly! I wish I knew when my last day will be but I haven't a clue. I'm quite sure I'm under one year remaining but I've thought that before... two years ago!

I was in the sector tonight working some busy traffic. There was training occurring on the data-side. I turned to the trainer and said "I'm seriously going to miss working traffic when I'm gone from here." He commented that he won't miss it at all. I dunno... maybe I'm just different. I won't miss the early morning wake-ups after too little sleep. Speaking of which, I better be putting my phone away now.

No, John, I don't imagine either of us being bored in retirement.

Anemone said...

I think you will have a good retirement.