Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Wednesday Wisdom

For the record, I not only managed to achieve my simple New Day resolution for Tuesday, but I doubled it! Two twenty minute sessions on the stationary cycle with a couple of sets on the weight machine, my walk to the mailbox and a little reading.

I'm writing this at midnight and will likely be a bit more time challenged for Wednesday's New Day resolution, but in keeping with my Wednesday Wisdom choice I will plan on cycling for 30 minutes and getting some more non-fiction reading in.
I also have some business that I need to take care of at the DMV. Fun times, eh?

Health may not come from medicine, but in addition to being mindful, taking better care of this body will help.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Thinking Ahead

It's truly not often that I plan ahead. I'm more of a fly by the seat of your pants, go with the flow kind of guy. That said, I've been considering the whole New Year's Resolution thing.

New Year's resolutions have never been a very big thing for me, even less of a thing as I've grown older. I do see the value in re-evaluating life and making course corrections now and then, but maybe it just seems too forced or too routine to make it on January first to be of much value. I don't need a calendar to tell me that I need to be eating less and exercising more. 
Turning the calendar page from one year to the next certainly makes the case for making new beginnings or new habits, but is it really that big of a deal?

I'm thinking of something much smaller for the coming year; something less intimidating and more manageable.
I think I'll work with a New Day's resolution -- making a plan for each day as it comes. It will kind of combine my go with the flow personality with the big thing of a New Year's resolution and work it into something more manageable. 
And I don't have to wait for a certain date on the calendar! I can make a simple resolution with each day's rising sun.   
I'm going to make today's New Day resolution simple -- 20 minutes on the exercise cycle and a walk to get the mail (1/4 mile).
I also need to spend some time reading my library book -- Pastrix, by Nadia Bolz-Weber. Sometimes I get caught up in a fiction book and set aside the non-fiction stuff.

That's it!
A little exercise
A little reading
I might even do them at the same time!

How do you handle the resolution thing?
A plan for the year?
Day by day?
Don't do resolutions?


Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Reflections

It is 9 PM of Christmas Day and I am sipping a rye whiskey and contemplating the day.
We were up and opening gifts exchanged between me and Chris this morning and then had a video call with the kids.

My pre-seasoned cast iron Dutch oven is currently in the oven seasoning because that's what is supposed to happen with new cast iron. 
And the new battery tender is charging the battery on my motorcycle which has been sitting idle for way too long.

The dishes are done, Chris is chilling in the TV room and I thought maybe I should work my way out of this writing funk and post some thoughts on Christmas.

Christmas isn't really anything like it used to be for me. There aren't many decorations up and we didn't ride around looking at the lights that other people and businesses put on display. I did listen to some Christmas music until I got tired of it and switched back to my usual Classic Rock.
Most of the few gifts I bought this year I purchased online, so I didn't even partake in the annual ritual of Christmas shopping. 
With a few exceptions, today was pretty much a day like any other day.

The more I think about it, maybe that's the way it is supposed to be.
Well, sort of.
Really it should be that every other day should be like Christmas -- not in the gift giving, commercial, or political sense, but in the kindness and love that we show to one another. 
Let's face it -- there are many people that participate in the joyous festivities of Christmas that are not really followers of Christ. For that matter, there are many people that participate in the practice of Christianity that are also not followers of Christ. But somehow we manage to set differences aside and at least tolerate one another for a dinner or brief family gathering. We exchange gifts or greetings with people we've not spoken to in some time and we celebrate a common event that is often nothing more than a date on the calendar.

I guess tomorrow we can all go back to being jerks to one another, unless...
What if we decide we'll wait a week?
What if we decide that we will maintain this festive kindness or spirit or whatever the heck it is for one more week?
What if we decide to finish out these last few days or 2023 by -- well, by not being a jerk to anybody?
Maybe we could try that loving your neighbor thing for the next few days and see how it works out.



Thursday, December 21, 2023

A Reason to Celebrate

Today is the Winter Solstice!*
I'm not sure if you can really say that this is the first day of winter since the sun will both rise and set before the earth reaches the point in its journey around the sun that marks the point where the tilt begins to shift the other way.
In any case, tomorrow's sunrise will be on the other side and we begin the move towards spring.

It is forecast to be rainy and overcast tomorrow morning, so I'll need to use my SkEye app if I want to mark the winter sunrise on my compass rose flower garden. Sunrise will be at 7:22 AM. I may or may not be up to mark it. I kind of feel like doing that commits me to marking the sunset tomorrow and then the sunrises and sunsets on each of the equinoxes and the summer solstice. That would be cool, but nobody else will really know or care so it's not a big deal.

This morning I am drinking my coffee by the fire and thinking of longer days, beautiful flowers, and warm days on the deck.
Happy Solstice!


*in the Northern hemisphere

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wednesday Wisdom

 A little something to consider...


Monday, December 11, 2023

A Simple Prayer

 Something simple for today's meditation...


Monday, December 04, 2023

Monday Meditation: Making a List

I've been thinking...
I'm not much of a list maker and I generally do not need to plan things out in the detailed way of those that are list makers. Maybe I would benefit from being a bit more like the kind of person that begins each day with a list that says -- 1) Make a list.
To Do lists create a lot of pressure and stress. Most of us have enough stress without the self-imposed kind from making lists.

But what about a To Don't list?
Would (or could) a To Don't list help relieve some of the stresses and stressors we deal with each day?
What would go on your To Don't list?

Maybe something like -- Don't read the comments.
I know that the comments to some posts can be truly entertaining, but they can often stir up some angry reactions. Mostly I don't care what people that I don't know think about any given subject and arguing over social media is just a waste of time and energy.

I need something more like -- Don't spend more than x amount of time on Facebook or other social media.
Or -- Don't get caught in a time drain of watching reels and short videos.
Don't be impatient would be good.

Can Make a To Don't list be an item on your To Do list?

What don't you want to do today?
Now that's something to think about.


Saturday, December 02, 2023

Beer calendar

I was invited to join a group of guys that meet late on Tuesday nights around a fire pit in one of their backyards. Beer, bourbon, cigars or pipes, and conversation. My invite came as a part of joining a Beer Advent Calendar. 
There are six of us participating, so last week we each brought four different six packs of beer. 
24 different beers for the 24 days of December leading up to Christmas.

We have a schedule so we are each drinking and rating the same beer each day.
Front row to back and left to right is the order. It should be interesting.

This was the selection for Dec 1.

It was a good beer -- a little light both in color and flavor for an amber but it was good. In fact, it was the best one so far!

I don't think I've ever done an Advent calendar of any kind before -- not even tearing off a construction paper ring from those red and green craft projects schoolkids did.
Is anyone else doing a Countdown to Christmas calendar?


Friday, December 01, 2023


I've managed to pick up a nasty cough/cold. Since I never go anywhere, I'm guessing that I picked it up working at the shelter on one of the nights I was there. Slightly warmer nights this week is giving me some time off, so hopefully I'll kick it before it's time to go back. I think I may go back to masking in the tight quarters of the shelter.

I'm mostly a pretty healthy guy and rarely get colds or sickness. I seem to have a strong immune system. Right now I'm hoping that this head congestion and post-nasal drip doesn't turn into a sinus infection. The worst part is the coughing makes sleep difficult and my abs are sore. My throat is also getting sore.

I did get my seasonal flu shot. My volunteer work at the hospital requires it. My preferred method of avoiding illness is just to stay away from people. That isn't always an option.
Again ... 

The cool, rainy days aren't helping. I always feel better with some sun exposure -- even if it isn't really warm out. By Sunday it should be mid 50s and sunny. If I haven't kicked this by then, maybe the sun will help.

How do you handle colds, cough due to cold, nasal or sinus congestion, etc.?
Do you have a favorite home remedy?
A go-to OTC product?
Vitamin C, zinc, garlic?
Or do you just ride it out?

Help me out here.


Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday Meditations

I saw this on Facebook this past week and decided it is worth contemplating.

It encourages us to look at people (not just ourselves) from a different perspective than we often do.
As trees grow, they continue to provide food and shelter for birds and other animals. They give shade. They filter the air taking in carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen. They blanket the ground with leaves and replenish the soil, and provide a host of other benefits.

We get old.
I no longer work or produce anything to benefit society. I often say that I am the least productive person I know. Maybe building flowerbeds and planting flowers is productive. It does feed the birds and bees and other pollinators. 
I did switch to a hybrid vehicle this year and that's better for the environment than the older car I was driving, plus it provided work for the laborers that built it (in Mexico).
I am still a consumer of goods that buys stuff and eats out often. I'm not a job creator, but I do need people in jobs that provide services and products that I use.
I may not be productive at this point in my life, but I do pay for other people to produce. I guess it's called privilege.

Maybe I need to focus more on growing and continuing to be a benefit to society. I think that trees are a good analogy since they are pretty passive in their contributions to nature. 

Are you growing?
...or just getting old?


Sunday, November 26, 2023

NaBloPoMo Fail

I missed a day!
Yesterday was an unusual day. It was the first overnight shelter night of the season for me and the change in schedule and sleep and everything ended with the day passing by without blogging.

In the grand scheme of life it isn't really important. 
NaBloPoMo challenges me to write and I'm not convinced that that is important either. It just feels good and helps me to organize thoughts. There are many thoughts and ideas that I process through my head that never make it to the blog or any written form, but the process itself is therapeutic and calming.

For example --
This past week I've spent a lot of time thinking about things I am thankful for. I wrote a few things, but not much in comparison to the time I spent dwelling on how grateful I am. The struggles, challenges, and joy in my family and extended family have been a large part of my thoughts lately, but again, that's not stuff that gets written about.

Contemplating what I'm reading often inspires something to write. Sometimes I share the questions when I find the answers to be challenging.
I do wish that my writing was more organized. I suppose it is a reflection of me -- go with the flow and not very organized. 

With only a few days left in the month and with a twofer along the way, I can still end up with 30 posts for 30 days if I continue to post daily, so...maybe.
Or maybe not.
We'll see.


Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday

Today's retailers will once again make it into the black ink of accounting without gathering any of my money. I will dutifully avoid anything to do with shopping -- in person, or online -- and let the bargain hunters enjoy the chaos of the capitalistic side of the holidays.

I will venture out to the library at some point. I have a couple of books due today.
It's been since spring that I've enjoyed some fiction reading, but I opened the Kindle app on my phone the other day and picked one of the freebies in my library. Maybe I'm on the way to another 600 day streak. I suppose that reading a book about witches, werewolves, and other fantasy creatures isn't any worse than scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or X.

With the cold weather shelters opening up and several overnight shifts ahead of me, some reading material will come in handy. I like using the phone app for reading as it's very portable, always with me, and easy to read in low light. With the Kindle Unlimited subscription most books are free (the subscription costs a few bucks) and there is an abundance of available material. For books not available on Kindle there is the local library. I haven't yet tried to use the library's e-reader. I may have to do that at some point.
Another advantage of an e-reader is being able to set the print color, background lighting, and font size. Although I rarely use glasses anymore, some actual books are more difficult to read in lower light than they used to be. Using my bifocals or a pair of reading glasses are sometimes necessary.
I have an older android tablet that I may update and use for a reader when I'm at home this winter. The larger reading area might be nice and the Kindle app will keep each device current so changing from the tablet to phone will be seamless. 

That - rarely using glasses anymore - thing has been a nice surprise. I'm not sure how to explain it. My last visit to the eye doctor was the first visit since retiring nearly nine years ago that my vision didn't improve. It didn't get any worse, but it didn't get better. 
Another weird eye thing -- my eye color has changed. My eyes used to be a very dark brown, but are now more of a light brown, nearly hazel color. I'm not sure when that happened. I just noticed it one day a couple of years ago.

Unfortunately, my eye color is the only thing that has gotten lighter. The rest of me is as heavy as ever!

Enjoy your weekend -- however you decide to spend it.


Thursday, November 23, 2023


It will be a quiet Thanksgiving at our house. In spite of the fact that it will just be me and Chris, Chris decided that we'll have the full meal deal -- turkey, all the fixin's, and pumpkin pie!
I'll take advantage of the nice, warm day that is forecast and get some work done outside (It really is never ending).

I will begin today as I start most days -- quiet time and coffee.
Although I'd rather be enjoying a warm, sunny morning on the deck, coffee by the fireplace isn't a horrible way to begin a day.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wednesday Wisdom

A timely thought from Nadia Bolz-Weber

To my US friends,
Have a grand Thanksgiving weekend!


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Laundromat Blues

Sunday night I went to load our dryer with the load of towels from the washing machine and ...
Sacrebleu! It appears that the bearings on our 26 year old dryer are shot!
I had to find a laundromat open on a Sunday night and a few dozen quarters to dry the towels.
It has been a lot of years since we made regular trips to a laundromat.

It is possible that we could have had it repaired, but the cost of a repair and then still having a 26 year old appliance with a new bearing vs. a new dryer didn't make much sense. Data shows that it had far outlived the expectancy of such appliances. And at 26 years old, I wonder about the availability of parts.

Yesterday we went shopping and bought a new dryer and it will be delivered tomorrow. I may go into the appliance delivery business. One place we checked had an additional $190 dollars for delivery and pick up of the old dryer! We bought the same dryer from a different place for the same price and a much lower delivery fee.
I haven't seen any lonely Maytag repairman commercials in some time, but I hope that this new Maytag dryer will have a similar lifespan to our last dryer (an Amana). It will definitely have a lighter work load. 


Monday, November 20, 2023

Binge Watching

I don't binge watch TV shows like other people binge watch. I watch one or maybe two episodes at a time until I'm finished. If it is an older series (and they usually are) it might take a month or two to watch all of them or to get current on an active series. I just finished the 5 seasons of the new MacGyver series. I enjoyed it and would have liked a season 6, but can understand the network not renewing for a sixth season as the story line was becoming less enticing.

I'm looking forward to the Reacher season 2 beginning in September and may have to find something to watch on those overnight shifts at the cold weather shelter. I started watching The Discovery of Witches series last year, but the cold weather season ended before I got very far. Maybe I'll pick it up again.
I also watched the first three Harry Potter movies before the season ended and wasn't interested enough to continue watching them otherwise. 

It's that time again and so I'll be looking for something to pass the overnight hours.
What would you be watching if you were in my place?


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Before the Rain

I knew it was going to rain today and I still needed to finish filling the flower bed with topsoil. 
I needed two more trailer loads (about 2/3 cubic yd) and then to spread it all out.
It's just started raining, but I finished with plenty of time. I even managed to fix and eat a nice breakfast after my mini morning workout.

It comes out to 108' x 8' x 5" or just over 13 cubic yards of dirt.
Next is to repair some of the timbers that have warped or were knocked loose when filling with dirt. Then I'll put up the fence panels and then I'll plant some bulbs and add mulch.
I am looking forward to spring/summer when all of the flowers are in bloom!


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Weekend Recharge

What a privilege to meet with some of the people that will be volunteering at the overnight shelter this cold weather season. Our shelter had an orientation evening to familiarize us with our new location and some of the new procedures that will be in place this year. It was good to see some familiar faces and especially exciting to see some new faces. 

It looks like we'll be open a night or two this coming week and then open for several nights in a row beginning next weekend. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, but the cold weather and the need for the open shelters isn't going to wait for me to be ready. There is going to be a lot of people-ing in the coming months.

Here is a link to our Facebook page. From here you can sign up to volunteer, purchase supplies from our Amazon wish list, or make a contribution. If you are not a part of our local community, consider finding a shelter near you to serve. 
It's that time!


Friday, November 17, 2023

Paybacks vs Paying Forward

I'm kind of excited about something I get to do today.
First the back story --

Over the years, so many people have helped Mom and Dad with rides to doctor's appointments or treatments. Even now, Mom still gets rides from friends or relatives as she has surrendered her driver's license and sold the van. There really is no way to payback all of the folks that have helped them by providing transportation when I couldn't.

A week or so ago I saw a post about a resident of Eden Village that had an appointment for medical treatment and thought -- It's time for payback, or more correctly -- time to pay it forward. 
I contacted the director and offered to be available to provide transportation for residents that might need a lift to doctor's appointments or something like that. 
Yesterday I got a late request for today.
I'm pretty stoked about this.
The appointment is in the middle of the day and I won't get much else done today, but damn, I am really more excited about this than I probably should be.

It's grey, overcast, and cool
...and I am really looking forward to this day!
I hope you are, too.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Twofer Tuesday

Ave Maria Immaculate

Kirkland's spiced rum eggnog 

NaBloPoMo Blues

I can tell it's about halfway through the month of November because I'm starting to ask myself -- Why did I start this NaBloPoMo thing again this year?
And I don't have a new pic to post this morning, either!
Maybe I'll take one later and have a twofer Tuesday post!
Maybe not.

I am so grateful for the nice weather we've been having -- both for the ability to get out and work and for each nice day that brings us closer to spring and seems to shorten the coming winter. It's too bad I am not very motivated to start working earlier on the daylight shortened days. At least any deadlines I have are pretty much self-imposed and easily shifted.

Today's journal prompt asks -- "What time of day are you most productive?"
It then encourages tracking activity and production for a week and learning to maximize that productive time.

I'd have to say that my best time is early afternoon -- sometime between noon and around 4 PM.
That isn't always ideal when it's summer time, but fortunately, I don't mind working in the midday sun. I'll need to start a little earlier than that today if I am to successfully move a couple of tons of dirt. I only managed a little more than one ton yesterday and am hoping to double that today. It's days like these that I really notice the effects of aging.

I am looking forward to a good day of work and then an evening cigar and perhaps, the first spiked eggnog of this holiday season.
What are your plans for the day and when is your most productive time?


Monday, November 13, 2023

Fall Gardening

Cleaning up garden spots in the fall isn't as enjoyable as planting in the spring. Honestly, it's a lot more like work than the labor of love it feels like in the spring.
I've already harvested some seeds and yesterday I was cutting back the stems and dead leaves from some of the hosta plants. I'll probably be thinning them in the spring so let me know if you want some.

I thought it was interesting that the few post-frost warmer days that we've had have encouraged some new growth among the hosta varieties that are in a more protected area.

These guys will have a couple of weeks until another overnight frost kills them off for the season. Nature always amazes me with its resilience.
Still plenty of work to do.


Sunday, November 12, 2023


I'm sitting here this morning and wondering...
It seems that recent Novembers have been filled with thankfulness posts on different social media platforms. I haven't seen that this year and I wonder why.

It is pretty easy for me to take this quiet and simple life of mine for granted, but I rarely do. I am daily grateful for the privilege of living this retired life in this comfortable manner. It is difficult to express that with the intensity that I feel it. 
Saying (or writing) that I am thankful for family, or thankful for friends (both of you), or even thankful for things that make life easier doesn't adequately convey the gratitude that I feel.

Maybe that's why there aren't daily gratitude posts this year.
Maybe we've figured out just how empty it sounds to say -- I'm thankful for my _____ -- day after day.
In reality, those often simple moments of gratitude are the stuff that makes for a good life.

This past week I spent a few hours with a guy that just has a life giving energy. We exchanged and smoked cigars, sipped bourbon and talked. I don't think I would use the word "fun" to describe our time together, but it was definitely enjoyable and I am truly grateful for his friendship.
Later that evening, Chris and I went out to listen to our friends' band. That's always an enjoyable evening. While I am not much of a people person, I do enjoy these nights out whether it's just Chris and me or we meet some friends for the evening.
Maybe we should find another band or musician to follow, as well.

Here's another simple and seemingly worthless experience -- watching my crow friends eat the peanuts I leave for them.

They are so skittish that it is difficult to take a picture, even from this distance. If I start moving around on the deck after they land close by and start to make their approach to the rock, they sense the nearby movement and leave.
I am hoping to be able to get closer as they get more used to feeding there.

What is something you are grateful for today?
A simple pleasure.
Maybe something as simple as a favorite coffee mug or a cozy blanket.
Care to share?


Saturday, November 11, 2023

16 Tons

You load 16 tons,
What do you get?

I'll let you know.
That's about how much topsoil was dumped onto my yard yesterday. I'll be moving it to my flower boxes and backyard over the next few days. It's too bad I don't have a tractor with a scoop. I suppose I could have if I want to make the deeper in debt part come true. I'll definitely be more than another day older by the time I finish.

Have a grand weekend!


Friday, November 10, 2023


It's been awhile since I posted about books, so I thought I'd throw a couple of mini reviews your way.

The Ballot and the Bible by Kaitlyn Schiess was much different than I was expecting. I was expecting it to be a bash on today's Christian Nationalism and the current state of the evangelical right in the US. 
It isn't.
Rather, it is a well researched and well written history of blending of religion and politics that examines how what we believe becomes who we are both as individuals and as larger communities, even nations. It wasn't a read that catered to my confirmation bias about religion and politics. It was more of a history lesson that teaches the past and reminds us of the effects of our religious/political ties of the past. Whether you are religious or not, this is a good read. I think Ms Schiess is changing the image of theologian from the bearded old white guy to an energetic and educated young woman. Don't walk barefoot around her. She is going to be breaking glass ceilings.

Shameless by Nadia Bolz-Weber. 
I've been following this pastor/author on social media for some time. I love her rebellious spirit and fresh outlook into the scriptures. Her transparency into her struggles in life and how her relationship with God and religion have taught her to love all of God's creatures is inspiring. I'm a little ashamed that this is the first book of hers that I've read and really only picked it up because I saw it at the library when I was looking for something to read.
I will definitely be reading more of her books!
Shameless takes a deep dive into how religion and society has bent the love of God into a controlling text that causes guilt and shame just for being who we were created to be. There is a story of one person that burned her bible -- all except for the four gospels. She said that Jesus never did or said anything to hurt her. She kept and cherished the words and stories of Jesus.
This is a book on learning to love ourselves. Once we've learned that lesson, we are much better equipped to love others.

Both books are well worth your time. 
What are you reading?


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Cooler Temps Ahead

The last three days have been sunny and warm, but now the cooler temps are settling in and I think we've seen the last of the summer like days. It has made it into the 80s (27c) each of the last three days, but I don't even see a 70 (21c) degree day for the rest of the month. Nights will also be much cooler with a few nights towards the end of the month dipping down to the freezing point.

Sitting by the fireplace in the early morning or late evening is nice, but it really doesn't compare to sitting on the deck and enjoying the view and the sounds of nature. I know there are still going to be afternoons when I will sit out and enjoy a cigar, but the evening smokes are going to be few and far between as the colder nights settle in. I took advantage of last night's temp to enjoy a good, long smoke and sip a nice bourbon. 

I tend to smoke less expensive cigars during cold weather. That way I don't feel bad about letting them go out if I change my mind and decide it's too cold to be outside. I'm considering not putting up the plastic panels this year. I don't know if I'll stay with that or feel like I need to be out here enough to justify it. I guess we'll see.

Looking on the bright side, the daytime 50s (10c) and 60s (15c) will be perfect for shoveling the topsoil into the new flower bed!


Wednesday, November 08, 2023


That evening quiet time thing may not be for me.
I didn't get an earlier start on doing things yesterday. I just didn't have a good morning quiet time.
I did get an evening sunset pic, but didn't post again yesterday.
Here's yesterday's sunset as seen from the Highlandville firehouse near our home:

I am still amazed at how far south the sun has traveled in its daily path around the earth. The morning sun is just getting ready to breach the eastern horizon and shine brightly into the deck. It is 64f (18c) this morning (yes, I slept on the deck) and that is warmer than the daytime high forecast for the next few days. 
After today's 81f (27c), it will be back to fall temps for both daytime highs and overnight lows.

I haven't worked on the fence/flower garden at all for a week or so. I guess I'll get back to it. I'm having the topsoil delivered in a couple of days, so I need to finish painting the panels. 50-60 (10-15) degree weather is good for that kind of outdoor labor when you're an old, fat guy like me.

On with the day.
Have a great one.


Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Changing with the times...

I'm going to try to make some changes to my morning routine.
In an effort to make better use of the limited, and earlier, hours of daylight, I think I'm going to try moving my meditation time to evening. With sunset coming so early and plenty of dark hours to spend chilling on the deck, I think I can be more productive by doing stuff that needs daylight earlier and saving the quiet time for later.
To be honest, I'm not certain this will work well. I really do enjoy the slow start to each day. In fact, I will still enjoy my morning coffee at a leisurely pace, and take a moment as I begin each day. 
This might not last too long, or I may go on more of a day-by-day basis as the mornings get colder. One of the most wonderful things about retirement is not having a schedule. 

However, blog posts may become more of an evening thing in the coming days. Today may be a twofer as I might post this evening if I come up with a pic for the day.

a note on comments:

I choose to allow anonymous comments back when I started this blog and will continue to do so. However, I often receive anonymous comments from people that obviously know me and it would appear that they think I might know who they are -- I don't. If you leave a comment and don't use your Google or Blogger identity, feel free to sign your name so that I know who is commenting. If you truly want to remain anonymous, that's cool, too.


Monday, November 06, 2023

Monday Meditation

Sorry about another post on religion, but my thoughts keep coming back to how much I have changed since I set aside that evangelical thing about needing to tell everybody how much they need Jesus and how they are going to hell unless they pray the magic words.
I have a very different attitude about the bible and a different approach to reading the instructions and lessons that Jesus taught. I also wonder how people read the bible with a perspective of how it teaches others how they should live without ever considering that it is supposed to be teaching us how we should live.

When I focus on my relationship with the Creator, on my relationship with others, on my relationship with creation -- there really isn't time to worry about what others are doing. Sure, I would love for others to experience peace and to work on making the world a better place, but that is a decision and action that they have to be responsible for making and taking on their own.I am happy to encourage them -- even help them -- along the way, but I can't be responsible for them. I have a full time gig taking care of John.
I really don't know how people find the energy to concern themselves with how everybody else acts or what they believe.

Something I do believe in is being kind to one another.
Last week, an old friend that I hadn't seen for quite some time messaged me about getting together for a bit. While on a Caribbean cruise celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary, they made a stop in the Dominican Republic and he picked up a cigar for me at a boutique cigar shop. 

It was quite an enjoyable smoke.
I like the pigtail finish at the cap end, and the two tone wrapper. I also like the size of this one - 6 x 60.
It was a mild, easy smoke with nice flavor subtleties that changed over the course of the nearly two hour smoke. It's difficult to express how touched I am that he thought of me. The thought and the cigar together made for quite a gift. It was also great to visit for a little while and catch up on life.

Not only did this simple act of kindness lift me up, but it also serves as an encouragement to do the same for someone else. I wonder how far the ripples of this act of kindness will reach.


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Right on Schedule!

You can mess with the clocks, but ol' Sol stays right on schedule!

It would be so nice if we could forget Daylight Savings Time and quit f**king with the clocks twice a year.


Saturday, November 04, 2023

Good Morning

It will be cloudy today, but warm -- 68f (20c)!
I'll take it!
I might even be back on the deck tonight as the overnight low is forecast for 50f (10c).

I think I'll go to a Native seed sale at a local brewery/coffee shop this morning.
Enjoy your weekend!


Friday, November 03, 2023


You might remember that I bought a used ukulele last summer. I played around with it a little bit, but it has mostly been collecting dust on the mantel for the past few months. Maybe it's time to resume torturing the birds in the backyard and frustrating myself by messing around with it again.
Music is supposed to soothe the soul. I don't think the sounds I produce are very soothing for anyone and the learning part is more frustrating than it is calming. It would no doubt be much less frustrating if I found an old guitar and tried picking that back up instead of learning something new.

My pic for today:


Thursday, November 02, 2023

Feeding Rock

Today's photo post comes a little late in the day as I had other things to attend to this morning.
These large rocks were dug up when excavating for the foundation of our house. I suppose they would have made a nice landscaping feature for the front yard, but that's not where the contractor left them. Eventually, I hope to make a birdbath kind of fountain water feature. The idea is in my head; I just have to work it out and put it together.

For now, this is where I have been leaving a handful of raw peanuts for the crows each morning. I'm not sure if I am training them or if they are training me. Sunday morning was a pretty frosty morning and I opted for coffee inside instead of bundled up on the chilly deck. Around 8 o'clock I heard the loud cawing of the crows in the back yard. I looked out the window and saw two of the three that usually show up, so I put on a jacket and went out to feed them. 
As soon as I stepped out, they flew off. They are very cautious about taking the peanuts, but they didn't go far. I left a handful and returned to the house. When I checked about 30 minutes later, the peanuts were gone.

I'll have to work on getting a picture or video of them "stealing" my peanuts.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

National Blog Posting Month

It's cold in SWMO so the deck plants are now in the basement where they will spend the winter. I bought a couple of these plant shelves for these plants and to begin seeds in the spring. The elephant ears and dahlias will winter in their pots in the John Deere room.

I am already ready for spring!


Monday, October 30, 2023

A Good Person

How will you be remembered?
And does it really matter?

I mean -- the past is the past, right?
Isn't it really more significant how people perceive you (me) now -- in the present?

He is a good person vs. He was a good person

I don't know why I'm thinking about this on this particular Monday morning. Maybe it has to do with watching the movie After Death on Saturday night. Maybe it has to do with something I read last week and have been thinking about. It was about people that come and go in our lives. 

The weird thing is that I haven't been wondering about those people. I've been wondering if I was that person to somebody -- someone that betrayed them, someone that used them, someone that let them down.


The past is the past, right.
How will I face today?
What kind of person will I be -- today?
When the sunsets on this day, how will the people that I've encountered today remember me?


Sunday, October 29, 2023

After Death

Last night we went to see Angel Studio's newly released film, After Death.
You can watch a trailer here.

Typically, I view near death (or after death) experiences with some skepticism. That probably sounds weird coming from a former preacher/evangelist. Maybe it's that the few books I've read on the subject seem to have an ulterior motive from capitalizing to make money to proselytizing. If that's you, too -- you will still find the movie interesting, though probably not life changing.
I went because Chris wanted to see it.

To be fair, I am an after-life believer.
I don't know what it will be like, but I do not believe that the end of life is just the big dirt nap. I doubt that our thoughts of heaven and hell are accurate and even tales from these near-death experiences are just glimpses into what lies behind the curtain. Nevertheless, I believe that we are more souls with a body than we are bodies with a soul.

I don't think that these stories are fake.
I believe they are real experiences and I believe that there are similar experiences that multitudes of people have had. Unfortunately, I don't think that we are very good at learning from the experiences of others. And even as we suck at learning from other people's experiences, we fully expect them to learn from ours.

I can't really give this an enthusiastic -- You've got to see this! -- kind of recommendation, but I would say that it is worth seeing. Watch it and consider what it offers. I think the producers are wanting to start conversations more than making converts. 
And that's always a good place to start.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednesday Wisdom


I think about this.
Would these be our markers of success if we lived more in community and less in capitalistic competition?


Tuesday, October 24, 2023


How about that creative title for today's post?
That's okay. Creativity has never been my thing.

I have a different perspective this morning. I'm sitting on the downstairs patio (below the deck) instead of on the deck. Because of how quickly the back slopes away from the house, there is much of the backyard that disappears from view when you lose just 8 ft (2.4 m) in elevation. 
Changing perspective every now and then is probably a good idea. Maybe I'll have my morning coffee on the front porch later in the week.

It's a grey day and it is difficult to get a realistic image of the treeline colors as fall sets in. I'll try to get a better pic on a sunny morning.

I'm going to miss the leaves when they drop. During the winter I can see the streetlights and houses that are directly behind us. Maybe being reminded that I'm not as isolated as I'd like to believe is a good thing.

I think that I will look forward to November's National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) with the idea of posting a daily picture. I don't have a good digital camera, though. The best I can do is the camera on my cheap smart phone. 
I enjoy seeing daily (or regular) pics on a couple of friends' blogs or other social media posts. I'm sure they have nice rigs for taking pics. I'll make what I have work for me. That's just another way of sharing life from my (cheap-ass) perspective.

 * * * * *

Traditionally, October is Clergy Appreciation Month. It used to be Pastor Appreciation Month, but apparently needed to be more inclusive. 
Today, I get to have lunch with my pastor. 
Although, I haven't been very active at The Venues in some time, I do recognize and appreciate the work that goes into pastoring a church of any size. Pastor Phillip has made incredible adaptations to his core theology as well as adapting to the truly astounding technological changes and social constructs of the past decade or so.
I'm looking forward to spending some time with him today.

If we don't restrict today's appreciation to just pastors or clergy -- Who do you appreciate?
Why not drop them a text, email, or maybe even call them?
Tell them that you appreciate them being a part of your life.
Pick somebody and make it a good day for both of you.


Monday, October 23, 2023

Mountains, Meadows, and Beaches

Our son lives in the beach resort city of Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco, Mexico.
Our daughter lives near the base of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, CO.
We're here in the rural Midwest of Southwest, MO.

There is some real beauty around the mountains. Their grandeur is truly awesome. I can see how people can feel almost reverent about their hikes and journeys into the areas around these majestic cathedrals of earth. I have enjoyed our visits to mountain country in the past couple of years, but I don't get the same sense of home or belonging that our daughter does.

I feel that my soul is more of an ocean guy. 
There is both a peace and a power that emanates from these large bodies of water. The land and the people around the oceans seem to reflect the peace of the water. The sound of the waves -- even the loud, crashing waves -- is a constant reminder of the ever consistent flow of life. Even in the rage of a storm, there is a hope and a promise to return to the peace of the rising and falling tides.
Yeah, that's more my vibe.

And here we are in rural SWMO.
The land behind our house is really more of a pasture than meadow, but I have plans to change that. I hope to slowly convert more of it to a meadow full of native wildflowers and grasses. I am making my peace with the rural landscape and enjoying the birds that come to my feeders, and the butterflies, bees, and other pollinators that come to our flowerbeds. While the politics of SWMO is not to my liking, I realize that it is not the land's fault. I so much enjoy the pretty moderate climate and the tranquility of meditating or just sitting and enjoying the peaceful beauty of our home and the surrounding area.
Perhaps a more rural beach community, not far from the mountains, would be my ideal place to find peace and comfort.

It may be true that there are places where we feel more at home; more at peace than other places. It is also true that we need to be able to find that peace within us -- no matter where we are.
Find a park.
Find a lake, a river, a small stream. 
Find a place to walk in the woods.
Go barefoot in the grass.
Or put in some noise cancelling earbuds with the sounds of the ocean or forest. 

However you do it -- find your peace everyday.
Connect to nature..
Experience the grandeur of the mountains.
Sense the peace of the ocean.
Listen to the sounds of the trees.
Feel the pulse of the earth.
Connecting with creation is how I connect to God.
This is my religion.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday morning reflections...

Just a few things I'm thinking about in this morning's quiet time...

*It's good to be home. 
I slept very well last night and am enjoying the calm and quiet of coffee on the deck. I did miss this time over the past few days of travel and visiting. 

*What I didn't miss was the time spent scrolling news and knowing about the ever growing dysfunction in our federal government. Sure, I kept up with some of the news, but not nearly as much as I usually do. I might need to consider that as I move forward.

*I'm also thinking that I really need a reset when it comes to diet. I have been consuming way too much crap food lately. I need to eliminate (or at least moderate) the junk food and increase the wholesome stuff. I know that we have gone back to eating out more often and our choice for dinner out often is for something quick and easy just because it's dinner time and we don't feel like cooking. Even planned meals out would help with making healthier choices.
*I also really need to do some daily exercise -- even if it's just getting back to a daily 2-3 mile walk.

*I've got a pretty neat little world that I live in. It's not too big and I probably need to work on expanding my exposure to the rest of the world a little more. I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I do sometimes get the sense that I should have more people interactions than I normally do.
Even as I write that my head is screaming -- bullshit!
It's pretty counter-intuitive to my usual behavior and I'm not sure what is behind this crazy thought. I just know that it's there.

Just a few random things in my head this morning.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tuesday Travels

Good morning from somewhere in Kansas!

Actually, we overnighted in Salina on our way to Colorado Springs. It's around halfway of the nearly 12 hour drive.

Hannah is working today and will be off Wednesday and Thursday. We'll complete the drive today and have a couple of days to spend with her and her pups. It will be an early birthday visit for Hannah and a late birthday for Chris; pretty much right between the two.

I don't have plans to do anything special. If I make it to the little country store at Manitou Springs I may cave in and buy the old black powder 1858 Army Remington revolver. I used to have a Navy Colt that came as a kit that I put together. It was ruined in a misfire.

I really don't need the '58, but it is a pretty cool weapon and would be interesting to shoot. I do own a 50 caliber Hawkin black powder rifle that I haven't fired since moving to MO. A coworker at the tower took it out a shot it a few times back in the day. I could set up a shooting range on the back acreage to shoot both the rifle and a new pistol.


We'll be heading towards the mountains today. It will be a good day for a drive. The Maverick is a good highway vehicle. It's comfortable and a smooth ride. I used music from my phone and we switched drivers about halfway. It was comfortable both riding as a passenger and driving.

Have a grand day.


Monday, October 16, 2023

How is your journey?

I saw this posted on Facebook this past week and saved it.

I thought it would be useful for a Monday Meditation post.

I have many pleasant memories from the past, but I rarely dwell there.
I know there are apologies to be made, and I don't mind going back to address those things.
But in contemplating where I am on life's journey (and where I appear to be going), I have to say that I have few regrets about life to this point. Even those regrets are best addressed by moving forward to make changes rather than looking backwards and dwelling where nothing can be undone.

I don't see life looping back around to re-embrace religion. I feel like I'm in a good place spiritually and enjoy the occasional "church" interaction with folks at The Venues. Although I am not deeply involved in the ongoing work of The Venues, I do feel connected to the community and (like in the rest of my life) will continue as a kind of non-productive member.
I also have service and spiritual connections with members of other faith communities in the area. I do value these connections.

My self-imposed isolation is teaching me where and when I can be more effective in people interactions. Being more selective has greatly enhanced my inner peace. 
The alone time allows me to store energy to willingly give away for people interactions. 
There are a few people that share their energy and they are the ones that feel like my tribe. My alone time has helped me to recognize those people in the crowds and make those connections, however brief and infrequent they might be.

How is your journey?
Maybe a meditative pause to look around would be beneficial. 
Are you where you want to be?
Are you on the right road to get you there?
Do you need to recalculate?

Take a breath
Look around
Reset your sights
Move along


Friday, October 13, 2023

Good Friday!

Hey! Let's make it a Good Friday!
Tell me something good!

I am going to meet a friend for lunch today. I am looking forward to this. Time spent with this guy is always so energizing and informative. We will each bring a sandwich or lunch to a local brewery (that doesn't serve food) and then spend a couple of hours visiting and catching up on life or sharing thoughts. 

It's my third lunch meeting of the week, which is highly unusual.
Monday was a long overdue lunch with another friend (yes, I have two), and yesterday was a volunteer chaplain lunch meeting at Mercy Hospital in Aurora.
Last night was barchurch, so I'm pretty maxed out on people exposure, but today is different. Time with this friend is more energizing and uplifting than time spent with most people.
As I said -- I am looking forward to this.

What's good in your world?


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Mid-day Meetings vs. Stay-at-home Gardening

Mid-day meetings and lunches kind of upset my rhythm. 
Normally I am a slow starter and so I don't usually get to work until around 10:30 or 11 am. 
On lunch meeting days (like today) that means I'm not working when I'm ready to work and I happen to have stuff that needs to be done.
And it's Thursday, so I typically would be going to More Than at The Venues at 425 in the evening. 
All-in-all, it's a setup for getting very little work accomplished today.
I may have to pass on the evening gig. That fence isn't going to paint itself. 

I need to finish the fence this week/weekend. We'll be visiting our daughter for a few days next week, then it's a load of topsoil to fill the flower bed, plant bulbs, and mulch everything for the winter. As you can see, I have plenty to do and working in the yard/garden is generally preferable to going out and being with people. There is just something organic and natural about working in the garden that even the hard part of building the garden feels rewarding and reminds me that we are connected to something other than just people; we are one with the earth.

The crows have found the peanuts I left for them!
As I'm typing on the deck, I have a good view of the large rock where I've placed the raw, unsalted peanuts and several crows have found them! 
I'm pretty excited right now. My plan is to place a few peanuts in the same place each morning and establish a pattern for doing so. I hope that they will eventually be waiting for their morning treats.
I've seen bluebirds and one cardinal at the seed filled feeders, and continue to see finches and other small birds plucking the seeds from the flowers in the downspout flowerbeds.
Yeah, we are connected to nature, one with the earth. 

Maybe just one people meeting today, and then back to work.
How do you connect with the world around you?



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday Wisdom

I am not certain this is a good post for shared wisdom. I guess if you are looking for a place to hide from God it could be beneficial. Or maybe you are hiding from God but don't realize that is what religion is providing to you.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Circle of Life ... ?

I've been wondering...

In the movie Lion King there is a scene where Mufasa is teaching a young Simba about the circle of life and the way of the world. He says that even though they (lions) eat the antelope while living, when they die their bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass, and such is the great circle of life.

But when we die, our remains are filled with chemicals, placed in a metal coffin, and buried in a concrete vault. We never really return to the earth from which we came.
Have we broken the circle of life?
How would our environment be different if we allowed dead bodies to return to the earth?
What if burials didn't include all of the packaging and bodies were just wrapped in a blanket and placed six feet under and buried simply?
Or we were all cremated and the ash returned to the earth?

I know it's a weird thought, but my brain wonders about such things.
I think we tend to upset nature by doing things in very unnatural ways.

What weird things work into your thoughts?


Monday, October 09, 2023

Monday Meditation

Last week I picked up my long awaited Ford Maverick hybrid pickup truck. It is the first new vehicle I've had in quite some time. I'm still getting used to it and it might be a little while before I have a good grasp on how everything works. It is probably a good thing that Ford has left off some features in order to keep the price point lower. I'm still a pretty low tech kind of guy.

The thing that I have most been looking forward to is the energy saving of the hybrid engine. It would certainly be more beneficial if we lived in a more urban setting. While driving around Central Illinois (where I took delivery) I was getting around 40-45 mpg. The 400+ mile drive home brought the average for the first full tank of gas down to just under 35 mpg.
The short drive to the convenience store (2 miles) on Saturday didn't use any gas at all as the electric motor managed the entire short, slower speed trip.

One of the interesting dash features shows when the truck is functioning as an electric vehicle, a hybrid vehicle, and when the battery is charging (like going downhill, slowing, or braking).

I'm writing this today because I am contemplating ways to give back to the earth -- or at the very least, to take less. 
More flowers, more plants, and more trees are ways to give back to nature. 
I'll convert some of the 5 acres we own (and mow) to restored meadow land next spring. I'll begin at the treeline and move toward the house. 
I buried some apple cores in the soft, rich, leaf covered soil at the edge of the treeline a week or so ago. Perhaps there will be apples for the deer to enjoy in a few years. I may do that with more seeds and pits in the spring. 

It is impossible to separate myself from nature during my morning meditation time. The birds are chirping and flying around the house and back field. I can hear the neighbors chickens and roosters. The sun is warm and shining into the deck as it makes its way further south each passing day. It won't be long before I'll need to bring the deck plants in and find a place indoors to winter them.

How are you interacting with nature today?
How much are you taking?
How much are you giving back?
Think about the environment around you.
How are we living in harmony with nature?
How are we destroying it?
What can you do -- today -- to help the earth and her creatures have a better environment?

Think about it.


Monday, October 02, 2023

Monday Meditation

Some people come and go and are forgotten.
But there are other people that share a part in our destinies.
They come, they go, but even after they go ... they're still here.
They never really went anywhere.
--C. JoyBell C.

That was one of the thoughts shared on one of the blogs I follow. It's a great place to see beautiful pictures and read positive thoughts each day. Check it out. Tell her John sent you. Comfort Spiral

It seemed like a good thought to grab onto for my morning meditation. Thinking about people that have influenced my past and are still a part of who I am is a comforting way to spend a few moments. But I also wonder if I get to be that person in someone else's memory. 
There is also the realization that it's not too late to be that person for someone that I encounter today, or tomorrow, or anywhere along the way as life and encounters with others continue.

Who are your people?
...the ones that were a part of your past and yet are still a part of who you are?

Just something to ponder.


Sunday, October 01, 2023


And so begins the final quarter of 2023.
Here in SWMO it will be another 90f (32c) degree day. It may be the last of the year, but it wouldn't surprise me to see another in the coming weeks. 
Fall makes me kind of sad. 

I do get some hope from the fall flowers that cling to summer and show off their colors for as long as they can. I feel that. I'll be wearing shorts and sandals well into winter. 

Each of the past few days I have seen an occasional hummingbird at the feeder, including one this morning. I don't recall seeing any this late last year. While the hummingbirds and Monarch butterflies are pretty much gone, the Canadian geese and other migratory water fowl are just beginning their journeys southward. I've seen a few flocks flying and a few that have stopped (sometimes in odd areas) for the evening. I wish I knew how to attract them. It would be cool to look out at a field full of geese for the night and watch them takeoff in the morning. 

Although I am not a fall/winter fan, I am a fan of beauty and will be looking to appreciate the cycle of things as the leaves turn colors and fall, the plants drop their blooms and go dormant for the season, and the nights get longer and show off the beauty of the winter stars. 
I'm going to try my hand at some indoor gardening to prepare for spring. I have the grow lights, but need to set up a space and decide what to start during the early winter months so that I am ready in late winter/early spring. I need a greenhouse, but don't think I'm ready for that project just yet.

One thing I'm thinking of for next year is to have a little pumpkin patch. I think it would be cool to grow enough pumpkins that every house and every kid on our street could have a pumpkin next October. 
Just a thought.

In the coming months I am counting on plant therapy and your good thoughts to keep me from falling prey to the dreaded Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) feelings.


Friday, September 29, 2023


It is Friday, the 29th of September. 
Just before sunrise this morning the moon reached its full phase -- the Harvest Moon. 
The sun, the moon, the stars continue in their seasonal dance and we (in the Northern Hemisphere) move ever closer towards winter. 

We continue to have nice days to close out September (90F today, 32C) and I'm sure October will be nice, as well. Although the hummingbirds have mostly gone (I see an occasional visitor at the feeder) and the Monarch butterflies are also migrating southward, I am enjoying the warm days while they last and getting some new flower beds ready for spring. I'm not sure which is more therapeutic -- the working in the dirt, the promise of the coming beauty, or the actual spring/summer flowers.
Because of the size of this particular flower bed, it is a crazy amount of work and the project has grown from its original plan. A neighbor was walking to get his mail the other day and asked if this is a "Honey do" project. 
Nope. It's pretty much because I like flowers.
To be fair, the growth of the project (about doubling the work) is Chris's part. The 100'+ (30m) flower bed will now include a picket fence. It's taking a long time because I'm an easy boss. I let myself start work late in the morning and quit early in the afternoon. I take frequent breaks and long lunches.
The same neighbor (day 3 of walking by) asked if I ever thought that I should have just hired someone to do the job. 
Not really. I have more time than money and more brawn than brains, so...

Well, I'd better get to work. The day is warming up and I hope to have the last of the post holes finished this morning. I probably should have posted before pics and documented the progress, but I am sure to post finished pics with plenty of spring summer blooms next year.

Dig in the dirt.
Walk, run, or paddle through nature.
Enjoy the weekend.


Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday Meditation

I was reading in the Bible -- Matthew's account of the Sermon on the Mount -- and I have some questions.

First of all -- a disclaimer or warning:
I am a follower of Jesus. Much of my life's philosophy and perspective is taken from the teachings of Jesus. I also read other perspectives and I am sure that those thoughts (and philosophical truths) will find their way into my Monday Meditations, but most thoughts will be based on my philosophies of life that were formed in my Christian upbringing.

Back to the Sermon on the Mount --
Towards the end of this story, Jesus says that not everyone that calls him Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but the one that does the will of the Father who is in heaven.

Later, in the 21st chapter, Matthew records Jesus's teaching of The Parable of Two Sons. Here, a father tells one son to go work in the vineyard and the son says, "No," but later goes and does his work. The father tells a second son to go work in the vineyard and the son agrees to do that, but never shows up.
Which one does the will of his father? 

What is Jesus teaching in these two lessons?
I would think that evangelicals would wrestle greatly with these passages. A simple, bare bones explanation of their teaching is to pray this magic prayer, ask Jesus into your heart, and be saved. But don't these teachings of Jesus contradict that?
What about that person that never walks an aisle, responds to an invitation, or prays the magic prayer yet does the things that Jesus teaches (the second son)?
What about the person that goes to church and professes to be a Christian, but doesn't take care of the oppressed, poor, sick, imprisoned, etc.?

I think these things are worth understanding -- but not to apply to others. We need to understand these things for ourselves.
Another teaching from the end of the Sermon on the Mount is that we don't judge others. Jesus says that the way we judge others is the way we will be judged, and the measure we use is the same that will be used for us.
It seems that most religious people want to use the Bible as a standard for others to measure up to, rather than as a guide to live by for themselves.

These are my thoughts in self examination today.
Am I living according to what I claim to believe?
Or do my actions show that I truly believe something other than the faith I profess?

What about you?
Are you who you claim to be?
What do your actions say about your true beliefs?


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Morning Contemplation

The other morning (a week or so ago) it occurred to me that I really haven't had a good meditation session in quite some time. I suppose that such things need to be planned out and scheduled just like physical exercise. Planning and scheduling aren't listed in my strong suits.

I still have my daily quiet time, but it isn't very structured and purposeful meditation hasn't been a part of it for some time.  Most mornings are spent just listening to nature and watching the hummingbirds at the feeder. I make my connection to God through creation. It's not exactly prayer time, but it works for me.
I believe that mindfulness practices are beneficial -- both as physical and mental/spiritual practices. 

Some time ago I wrote about sharing meditative practices and haven't really done that. Maybe if I did a weekly post -- Monday Meditation -- or something, it would keep me more focused and also provide a mindfulness reminder for some others. 
I have no research to support this opinion, but I don't believe that mindfulness or regular meditative practices are very common in the western world. 

Do any of you have a regular (or even irregular) meditative practice?
It can be anything from dedicated prayer time to mental contemplation on a long distance run.
Where do you get your mental rest? ...your focus? 
Where do you find your peace?


Friday, September 22, 2023

So long, Summer!

This is it.
The last day of summer '23.
Shortly before 2am in the US Midwest the sun's path will reach the equator in the earth's annual orbit and fall will begin in the northern hemisphere, while spring begins in the southern hemisphere.


In order to offset the end of summer blues, I am working on building a flower bed for next spring/summer. It started out as a large flower bed across the front of the property (96' x 4') to a large flower bed with a picket fence running through the length of it, to a much larger flower bed (96' x 10') with a side panel of fencing at each end, and now is expected to be somewhere in between. (104' x 6' with additional 4' x 4' squares at each end for a corner turn for the fence)
Rain last night will mean no work this morning. I might get some work done this afternoon if it dries up enough. I really am looking forward to seeing it filled with flowers next year. I believe it will be well worth the work I'm putting into it.

I put my bird feeders out about a week ago. Today is the first time I've seen the birds eating from them. 
There are still a few hummingbirds at the hummingbird feeder, but far fewer than there have been and I haven't seen a ruby red throat for a couple of days. I wonder if they sense the season change from the temperature or more from the fewer hours of daylight. I would tend to believe it's the latter since that part is always consistent. 

On the subject of feeding birds, I'm thinking about feeding crows. I've been reading about crows and am pretty impressed with their abilities. There are many mornings when I see a few of them searching for food in the back yard or field and think it would be cool to get to know them. It seems that a regular time and place for feeding them is best and dry pet food or fresh nuts are good choices. Once they've found the feeding place and are used to the time, I may sit close by and eventually get to where I can hand feed them.
Just a thought for now. I'll let you know if that changes.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Taking Things for Granted

What's something you've recently taken for granted?

That was the beginning of the prompt for my gratitude journal a few days ago.
Even though I do try to practice gratitude daily, I don't always respond to these prompts as they come up. This one resurfaced to my thoughts this morning.

I do take it for granted that I get to sleep each day until I'm finished. This morning that was well past 9 o'clock. I knew I was tired when I turned in last night, but -- wow! I was really surprised when I looked at the alarm clock on my night stand and saw the time. (I should probably just call it a clock at this point. I rarely use the alarm part.)
This morning I am stiff and a little sore from the work I have been doing around the yard (another privilege I have). I am tempted to give myself the day off, but with rain in the forecast for the next couple of days I had better get some more work done today. 
Having had to do physical labor for work in the distant past, I rarely took the benefits of using mental skills for granted in my work as an air traffic controller. Working in lumber yards and factories without heating or a/c was a world away from the comfort of working on my butt in a tower or radar room.

Retirement and its freedoms are not to be taken for granted. I am so grateful for the career I had and what it is still providing for me and Chris today.

What is something that you have recently taken for granted?


Saturday, September 16, 2023

A Hard Lesson: People are just people (Philosopher's Stone)

What lesson have you learned the hard way? A long winding path almost always teaches us more than the short, straight one. Embrace the struggle.

Yes, I'm cynical. That's my nature.
And yet it took me most of a lifetime to learn this lesson. For the most part, the teachers have been pretty decent people -- some of them are even friends, Most of them I no longer keep in close contact with. Sometimes that's my choice. Sometimes it's theirs. 

If given the choice between doing what is right and what is best for themselves, generally speaking, people will always choose to do what is best for themselves.
Recognizing that has given me the freedom of not being let down by people. While it might appear that I am not a very trusting person, I believe that I am very trusting. I trust people to always look out for themselves even if it isn't always the right thing to do. 
Don't get me wrong -- I know there are people that sacrifice a lot of time and energy serving others and doing things that make the world better for all of us. They are certainly exceptional people and they are pretty rare.

Allowing people to be people may seem like a sad kind of existence, but really it's not. It reminds me of the line in The Eagle's song -- "...I know you won't let me down, 'cause I'm already standing on the ground."
In my world, you are free to be yourselves.
A few of you will always choose to be exceptional people.
Most of you are good, decent, and very likable people and I trust you to generally do the right thing in your eyes. Examining behaviors from the perspective of the person doing whatever action often leads to a better understanding of why they did it.
And some of you (far too many in my estimation) usually choose to be assholes -- and that's okay. You get to be you.

That's my hard lesson.
What's yours?
