Thursday, December 21, 2023

A Reason to Celebrate

Today is the Winter Solstice!*
I'm not sure if you can really say that this is the first day of winter since the sun will both rise and set before the earth reaches the point in its journey around the sun that marks the point where the tilt begins to shift the other way.
In any case, tomorrow's sunrise will be on the other side and we begin the move towards spring.

It is forecast to be rainy and overcast tomorrow morning, so I'll need to use my SkEye app if I want to mark the winter sunrise on my compass rose flower garden. Sunrise will be at 7:22 AM. I may or may not be up to mark it. I kind of feel like doing that commits me to marking the sunset tomorrow and then the sunrises and sunsets on each of the equinoxes and the summer solstice. That would be cool, but nobody else will really know or care so it's not a big deal.

This morning I am drinking my coffee by the fire and thinking of longer days, beautiful flowers, and warm days on the deck.
Happy Solstice!


*in the Northern hemisphere

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