I was going to write about this morning's prompt from my online gratitude journal:
What lesson have you learned the hard way? A long, windy path almost always teaches us more than a short, straight one. Embrace the struggle.
As I thought about what I was going to write for the blog, I was thinking about how I would label the post and didn't think that any of my current labels fit it well. I thought that maybe it was time for a new label -- or maybe even time for a new, separate blog all together -- one that expresses different philosophies of life.
Nah, I don't need that. I usually just write that crap here but haven't really labeled it as such.
Like most people, I borrow philosophy from others and adapt it to my own personal experience. I also have my own philosophies that I have arrived at through experience, contemplation, and observation.
Different faith communities and faith leaders have given us many good philosophies of life. Christians and Buddhists have many books and practices that have gone beyond their own followers' lives and influence the general public in many ways. I imagine that the same is true for Islam, but I am less familiar with those teachings. There are also a great many atheist philosophers that give us deep insight into the workings of humanity in relation to each other and to the world around us.
While philosophy isn't truly a science in that it relies more on observation and logical analysis rather than on empirical evidence, I still find it a fascinating study.
The philosopher's stone is a reference to the ancient alchemy of searching for a tincture or powder to change base metals into gold or silver. It is (or was once) believed also to give long life or immortality and its roots are both ancient and diverse. I don't know that the alchemy of the past and the philosophies of today hold much in common, but I think I'm going to use Philosopher's Stone as the new label for my philosophic ramblings.
I'll get around to sharing my answer to today's prompt on another post. For today I'll leave you with a link to an old favorite tune by VanMorrison -- The Philosopher's Stone
Posts to Out of My Hat are just my thoughts on varied subjects from politics, religion, parenting, magic and life in general. Please feel free to comment on or share any of the material found here. Just note the source and, when possible, provide a link to Out of My Hat.
It's a pleasure to hear your wise ruminations. Thank you for sharing with us. We are all bits and pieces of everything we have learned and made our own. Yes. Have a beautiful weekend my friend. Aloha