Saturday, April 22, 2023

Aging and injuries

One of the weird things about aging is the discovery of aches, pains, and injuries that you have no idea how they happened or where they came from. My current mystery injury is to my Achilles tendon. I know when it happened, but I really don't know how or why. The inflamed area is right where the top of my tennis shoes meets the tendon and makes wearing shoes and walking very painful. Walking without shoes is painful enough and staying off of my feet until it heals isn't very practical. I probably need one of those walking boots to restrict the movement and protect the tendon.
I guess I'll limp along with the injured old man shuffle until it gets better.

I had been hoping to break out the inflatable kayak soon. This past week's temps were pretty nice. 
Unfortunately, it looks like we're in for some cool days (and nights) in the coming week so I think I'll be postponing the kayaking for at least another week. After a couple of nights that were warm enough to sleep outside, we now have overnight frost warnings.

I guess it's just spring in the Ozarks. Summer will be here soon enough.



  1. I can deal with the cooler weather rather than 90+.
