There are still more winter weather days ahead, but spring is drawing nearer. The Spring Equinox happens on Monday, March 20th, so it is just over a month away. Already we are seeing less frequent freezing nights and so the crisis cold weather shelters have been open less often. My winter schedule has had me working on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday nights when the shelters are open. Although the crisis cold weather shelter months run from November 1 through the end of March, my staff job was from the beginning of December until the end of February. The other overnight staff person that started November 1st will take the remaining less frequent nights during the month of March. I'll be available if an unexpected streak of cold weather hits, but otherwise my temporary employment is about finished and I can move back into full retirement in just over a week!
I'm not going to lie -- I'm ready for it!
Work at the shelter is both fulfilling and trying. I'm not very equipped to be a counselor of any kind but have found myself talking to couples struggling with a miscarriage, to individuals that are really battling their addictions, providing transportation to treatment, and just negotiating the daily conflicts and struggles that people face when they have so little.
I may need counseling myself.
Taking the enclosure off the deck, sitting in the sun, working in the yard, or taking the motorcycle out for a ride will do wonders in helping me to recenter my mind.
I don't want to forget that there are people that just struggle to survive from day to day.
Chris will continue to volunteer at the shelter through the end of the season, and I should probably find a place to volunteer, as well. There is plenty of need.
Tonight I will sleep well and get back to a normal sleep schedule. Next week I'll work a couple of nights at the shelter and (if the warmer forecast holds up) that will bring my temporary employment to an end.
I am
Posts to Out of My Hat are just my thoughts on varied subjects from politics, religion, parenting, magic and life in general. Please feel free to comment on or share any of the material found here. Just note the source and, when possible, provide a link to Out of My Hat.
"I may need counseling myself."
ReplyDeleteWhen I took a psych class in college the first thing they told the class was there were counselors available if the subject matter hit too close to home.