Friday, October 07, 2022

New Routine

There really isn't anything routine about my life. I like it that way.
Well, there is one thing--morning coffee and computer time. I was going to say coffee and quiet time, but most of my day is quiet time so...

I'm trying to add daily exercise into my day. I suppose morning would be the best time but I'm not very motivated to do anything other than drink coffee, scroll the internet, or read a book. I don't have a regular wake-up time. I wake up when I'm finished sleeping, usually between 7 and 7:30, but today was much later (9:00). It's past the time of year when heat is a problem for outdoor exercise and I have everything I need to exercise indoors whether it is too hot or too cold outside. I just need to make it a part of the daily habit. 

I'm going to try for the morning.
Morning exercise will give an early energy boost for the day and remove exercise from things I need to do for the day. It's not like I'm killing myself every day--for now, I'm just talking about 30-40 minutes of cycling, walking, or light weights. I am hoping to increase the intensity as it becomes more routine and I get in better shape. I'm not looking for a great physique or super strength. I'd just like to drop a few pounds, lower my blood pressure a bit, and be able to tie my shoes and breathe at the same time.

Today's exercise will be a walk to the Dollar General to pick up a few things. It's a little over 3 miles for the round trip. I'll bring my backpack or shopping bags to save a sea turtle and not use their plastic shopping bags. It's not exactly like being in Mexico and walking to the corner Oxxo or neighborhood market, but that might be where the idea comes from. At least I'm not hauling a 5 gallon jug of water up hill and upstairs.

I know it's not much compared to the daily exercise routines for those that have them, but I'm old, I'm fat, and I'm not that into comparing myself to what others are doing. Besides, just hauling around an extra 60 pounds all day should count for something.

Time to walk.


1 comment:

  1. "I wake up when I'm finished sleeping"
    Me too!
