Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Random Thoughts--Does Love Really Win?

These are not actually random thoughts; but the post is pretty random and without any planning or order.
It isn't something that I planned on writing about. It is something that I've been considering a lot recently.

Why do we (Americans in particular, people in general) have such a fascination with violence?
I don't know if the gun culture of the US is a symptom or a cause, but I suspect it is both.
I am particularly chagrined at the large number of Christians that are devoted to the military supremacy of the US and in favor of a huge military budget, but are often opposed to spending funds on programs to help the poor and underprivileged.

It is no wonder that all of our society from local and national politics to local and national religion is moving (or has moved) to a bullies rule kind of hierarchy.
The same abuse of power and privilege that I am reading about in Dan Jones's book The Templars can be seen in our own law enforcement system today -- NINE HUNDRED YEARS later.

Are we destined to always seek the violent solution and deal with the tragic pain and loss associated with it?
Are there no diplomats left in our human race?
Are there no peacemakers?
Or are the diplomats and peacemakers just silenced by the noise of the violent and the violence?
How do we move from a culture of violence against our enemies to a culture that forges relationships that removes enmity between peoples?
Even the often used statement, "Love wins" implies there is a battle to be fought. Is everything about winning and losing? If there are losers, does love really win?

Just sharing some of the things I'm thinking about these days.
Let me know if you have any thoughts or answers.


1 comment:

  1. When I see a stop illegal immigration comment, I usually reply with "Who's going to pick your vegetables?"
