Sunday, March 07, 2021

What's for breakfast?

Back a number of years ago (I was still working) I was having a tower conversation with a co-worker about an idea I had for breakfast -- fried oatmeal!
Hear me out -- you know if you let oatmeal get cold it turns into a thick, sort of gluey mess, right? I was thinking you can fry that in a skillet, cover it with cinnamon, powdered sugar, or just some butter and syrup and it would be a pretty good breakfast. My co-worker didn't buy it. I think her exact words were, "John Hill, only you would take something healthy like oatmeal and fry it and cover it with sugar to turn it into something unhealthy!"

This morning during the beginning of our Facebook stream of church, someone asked me, "What's for breakfast?" 
While I was typing, "Idk. Probably oatmeal," someone else commented that it would no doubt include an egg or two.
And then I was remembering my fried oatmeal idea from years ago.

After church was over I fired up the griddle so that it would get hot and put 1/2 cup of whole rolled oats and 1/4 cup of water into a bowl. Then I added some crushed pecans and I cut up a strawberry and added them to the cup. I also added a generous amount of cinnamon. To keep things together, I added one egg and mixed it all together. 
It was pretty runny so I added another 1/4 cup of oats and that gave me the consistency I was looking for. The griddle was hot, so I put a little butter on it and poured out the contents of the bowl. I let it cook for a bit on one side then flipped it over and cooked the other side. I did top it with a pat of butter and some maple syrup. 
I know -- it's really just an oatmeal pancake, but because it's me and my original idea was for fried oatmeal -- that's what I'm calling it.

Yeah, it was pretty delicious!
Another successful food experiment.

And I think that I could easily go savory instead of sweet by starting with the oats, water, and egg, and adding onions, garlic, a bit of cumin, chili powder and cayenne pepper. Then I would want to top it with a fried egg and maybe a bit of shredded cheddar!
Mmmm...that will definitely be something for another day!

Bon appetit!


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