Monday, March 22, 2021


Yeah, it could happen.
I've been writing this blog since 2006 and made over 2100 posts.
I've been posting on Facebook for more than 12 years, and Twitter and Instagram for the past few years.
And I've been highly opinionated for most of my 60+ years.
Along with that, I've been an ass to people on occasion.
I suppose that I still am..., but I'm working on it.

I know that I have said, done, and written things that I regret (even fairly recently). I know that I have changed my beliefs about a lot of things as I have gain knowledge, experienced more things, and met more diverse people. The thing is -- I could easily be cancelled by you or anyone that I've offended in the past.
Or we could talk, I could offer my apologies and explain how I've changed or why I said or did what was offensive. I could ask for and hopefully receive your forgiveness.

Of course -- if I am hoping for you to forgive me for my past transgressions, I have to be willing to forgive you. I think that as a people, we have forgotten how to talk civilly to each other. And we need to be honest with ourselves about our faults and we need to be able to forgive ourselves and grow.

Do we need to talk?
Comments are moderated, so you can leave me a message to contact you here. If you read this through Facebook or Twitter, DM me.

I understand there are always consequences to pay for the stupid things we say and do, but I also believe that we need to be more gracious with one another.
Sorry for the erratic swings from assholery to apologetic. There is still a lot of work to do here.



  1. I've lost a few people over the years when I tried to be funny but missed the mark.

    1. Mike, I'm not sure if that was supposed to be funny, but it did make me laugh!
