Wednesday, November 18, 2020

May the Force be with You

It's mid-afternoon and I'm just now getting around to posting today to keep the NaBloPoMo streak alive. This morning's routine was a little unusual as we made our way into the pandemic world and had breakfast out. Now I'm enjoying the sunshine, an inexpensive Nicaraguan cigar, and a Winter Grind coffee stout.
It's not a bad way to spend the afternoon.

Over on Facebook, Pastor of Stoke Ben Stinger asked the question, "How does being a Christian change the way you live?"
I am really impressed with the responses he's received.

I think for most of my life Christianity motivated my behavior with fear -- not wanting to face the consequences of sin by angering a mean, judgmental God. Or perhaps by the idea that I could curry God's favor by doing good things.
Today I would say that Christianity offers me a connection to all things. Through Christ I feel connected to God, to other people, and to all of creation. When you feel a connection to people or things, you tend to treat them better. They are a part of you. If religion literally means to re-connect (think re-ligament), then what Christ brings to us is connection to God and all of God's creation. The contemplative part of me is typically at peace with my surroundings. The reactive part of me still wants to lash out due to current circumstances, but I'm working on that self control bit. I'm trying to remember to extend grace to myself as well as to others. 

I know I have readers that are not Christian so I won't ask the same question. I'll simply ask -- What influences you to act (or live) the way you do? Do you feel a connection to nature or to others? 

I'm curious.



  1. allenwoodhaven7:09 PM

    What influences me to act/live the way I do? Good question for everyone! For me it's kindness and acceptance. In my life and actions I try to be kind and accept each person as they are. I certainly am not saying that I always am successful, but I do try and see it as a guiding principle. I believe in the evolution of the soul and that we are here to help each other learn our lessons. We each have our own separate paths, and we have our own things we need to learn, but we travel along next to others. Some go in our direction and some in other directions. Many paths cross our own during our lives. At our best, we help teach each other, even if we don't realize we are the teacher and the student at the same time. When accepted and treated with kindness, the soul is most ready to learn. I strongly recommend a song by Eva Cassidy called "Somewhere". It's worth finding!

    FYI, I was raised and confirmed as an Episcopalian. I believe that organized religion can be very beneficial to its followers but that zealotry does not help anyone.

    Haven't stopped by in awhile; glad I did. Hope you and yours continue to stay safe and healthy. These are strange and perilous times!

  2. "Do you feel a connection to nature or to others?"
