I'm feeling a sense of peacefulness this morning.
The fact that I am privileged to be able to sit on my deck, enjoy the morning sun on my face, listen to the background noise of civilization (a nearby highway) and the foreground noise of the nearby birds is not lost on me. Even as I scroll through my news feeds and read of the chaotic world around me, I am experiencing this inner calm.
Honestly, some of that calm comes from the posts and tweets of other peaceful persons that I follow or read about. There are voices of reason in the cacophony of chaos, and genuinely kind and loving people among the self-centered ego driven masses. Those voices, those people help to keep me centered in my peaceful place.
I know that I could shut out all of the noise - the angry voices and the calming ones - and live peacefully alone, but I'm not sure that I'm ready for that extreme isolation just yet.
Where do you find inner peace? Is there a physical place that you visit or are you able to find a mental space no matter where your body is? Is it more of a spiritual thing?
Maybe I should first ask if you even have a place of peace in your world. I fear that most of us do not. I fear that many have given up on finding even a moment of rest for their mind and spirit, let alone physical rest for their body. I think resting is fast becoming a lost art and one that has been looked down on by the go-getters of society. We have forgotten the value of restfulness.
All aspects of our existence need a place and a time of rest.
I hope you find a few moments today.
Peacefulness and resting are disciplines that take practice. Set aside a few moments and rest.
Practice makes perfect. Time for a nap.