Today, more than ever, it seems that most people base their opinions on information that isn't exactly accurate. Social media feeds are filled with so many posts and re-posts of old information, misleading information, and outright lies. I'm sure that much of it is deliberate, but equally certain that much of the bad information is spread by well meaning people that just don't take the time to check their sources.
It seems that the information age has become the misinformation age.
Perhaps the best approach is to always ask a few questions.
*Is this true?
*Where did you hear that?
*Is this from a reliable source?
*Is there an ulterior motive behind this information?
*Is this just an opinion?
Maybe if we asked these questions, we would spread less misinformation.
And we need to give ourselves (and others) permission to change our mind if new information demands it.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know that just ain't so.
--Mark Twain
But that's just my opinion.
I would say don't get your medical info from