Friday, May 15, 2020

Today's Coffee

This morning's coffee has a little chocolate sweetness added. I added a bit of chocolate syrup and heavy cream to the pot this morning -- not a lot, just enough for a little treat. It was about what one might add to a single cup of coffee, but I added it to the entire pot.

It is a sweet way to start a rainy Ozark morning.

Although I have a standard go-to coffee, I enjoy trying coffee with different origins. I'm not really into flavored coffees, but do enjoy the subtle flavors and differences that come from different countries and different roasts. As previously mentioned, I typically drink my coffee black. This allows me to better taste those subtleties and appreciate the coffee.

Tell me about your coffee.
Do you have a favorite country of origin? (Mine is Ethiopia)
Do you have a favorite type of roast? (light to medium, now. It used to be dark)
Favorite brew method? (Pour over, medium grind)

Maybe your morning coffee ritual is more about the ritual than it is about the coffee.
Maybe your morning coffee is more about the caffeine than it is about the ritual or the coffee.
And I realize that there are as many non-coffee drinkers as there are coffee drinkers. 
Do you (non-coffee peeps) have a morning drink or ritual?

I'm thinking maybe a second pot; maybe a little cinnamon.

Have a grand day

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