Monday, December 09, 2019

Advent 2019: Dec 9, Day 9

Luke 9

There's a lot here, too much to simply summarize. Perhaps the biggest thing is that people are really starting to wonder and make decisions about who they believe Jesus really is.
Read it for yourself. Maybe you'll want to share your own summary. I'm going to just leave you with a thought that might ruffle a few feathers.

My take away

The Jewish Scripture is our Old Testament. God speaks to them (us, too) through The Law and through the prophets. On numerous occasions, Jesus corrected them on their interpretation of The Law. I don't believe that The Law (from God) was wrong, but there was much that was added to it. I don't believe that the prophets were wrong, but their messages may not have been properly received or recorded.
In the transfiguration, God clears things up.
Moses -- representing The Law, and Elijah -- representing the prophets, appear with Jesus -- the Son of God.
A voice speaks from the clouds and says, " This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him."
The voice didn't command them to listen to Moses and The Law, nor did it command them to follow Elijah and the prophets. It's as if the purpose of The Law and the prophets was to bring us to God through Jesus.

The Law and the prophets have fulfilled their purpose.
Jesus is here.
Listen to him.

John <><

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