Friday, November 29, 2019

Black Friday

It's Black Friday.
Today is the day that marks the official beginning of the Christmas shopping season. It's going to be crazy out there. For many retailers, Black Friday now begins on Thursday evening.

I won't be in the shopping crowds today. I'll be at my normal Friday morning post with a few other folks from The Venues and a hundred or so friends that needs a warm place to sit for a bit and a decent breakfast.

While you're shopping this season, why not think about some folks that could use a little something, as well. Keep some Hot Hands in your car to give to people that need to stay warm. Maybe have a paper bag with the Hot Hands and a few snacks like a protein bar or peanut butter crackers and a couple of bucks or a $5 gift card to McDonald's.
A little kindness goes a long way.

Gotta get going.
Have a grand weekend.
Be kind.

John <><

1 comment:

  1. I was up at 4 am. Then I went to bed. Slept till 1.
