Sunday, January 06, 2019

John, Chapter 2

John 2

In summary --

This is the first miracle of Jesus' public ministry. He turns water into wine!
I find this miracle story very interesting. The miracle itself does not seem to glorify God. The persons benefiting from the miracle are unaware that it has happened. The only people that are aware of it are some friends of Jesus and the servants that filled the water jars -- and who is going to believe their story?
So why this miracle? How does this fit into the gospel narrative?

Could it be something as simple as Jesus (as a grown man of around 30 years old) was simply honoring the wish of his mother?

It was probably the wedding of a relative or close family friend. Most of the people lived in poverty, but weddings were to be a big celebration. If they ran out of wine, it would be embarrassing to the point of humiliation for the family. Mary (Mom) comes to him and only says they are out of wine. Even though Jesus plays it off, she tells the servants (in front of Jesus) to do whatever he tells them to do.

And Jesus obeys.
His disciples see and understand that this is more than a mere man, and they follow him.
It's really a pretty simple lesson.

The chapter goes on to talk about Jesus trashing the people that are making money by selling animals for sacrifices at the temple. This wasn't a simple service for those that had to travel. It was a part of the temple corruption and Jesus was furious about profaning the Holy Place. He then makes the prophetic claim about destroying this temple (his body) and raising it up in three days.

My favorite verse --

It's the very last verse of the chapter.
25 ...and (he) needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.

Jesus knows us. He knows our depravity. He knows our struggles. He knows our needs.
And he loves us anyway.

Something to think about --

Jesus' closest disciples saw a miracle.
The people at the temple asked for a sign.
What do you need to be able to trust and follow Jesus?

Don't be afraid of your doubts. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Jesus knows you.
And he loves you ... just the way you are!

John <><

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