Sunday, January 20, 2019

John, Chapter 15

John 15

In summary --

As with the last chapter (and the next two), Chapter 15 is Jesus addressing his disciples.
No miracles, no commentary; just Jesus giving final verbal instruction. He reminds them of what he has been teaching them. He warns them of some hardships to come. He emphasizes that just as he is nothing apart from God, they are nothing without him. If we are in him and he in us, we are with God.
The evidence of being in Jesus is not just what we say; it is what we do, how we act. It is who we are.

There is a (non-biblical) saying about people that brag about themselves all of the time. "A lion doesn't have to tell you he's a lion."
You shouldn't have to tell people that you are a follower of Jesus. They should be able to see it in the way you live; in the way you love.

My favorite verse --

14 "You are my friends if you do what I command you."

I don't have many friends. I know lots of people, but I don't have lots of friends. I imagine that there are people that think of me as their friend and I think of them as a person I know. There are others that I think of as my friend, but they don't think of me as their friend.

But this I know -- I am a friend of Jesus!

Something to think about --

Jesus tells us that if we choose not to live a life of love, then we have no part in him. If we have no part in him, we have no part in God.
Will you love like Jesus loves?

John <><

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