I have no tattoos, nor do I really have a desire for any. However, I really do like seeing good ink work on others. I think the skill and creativity to create full sleeves or complete back or chest tattoos is to be admired.
Often, tattoos tell a story or hold some significance for the wearer. I sometimes wonder if it is rude to ask a complete stranger about their ink or if it might make them feel awkward to share a personal story with a complete stranger. I suppose it could be that they wear their art with the thought that they will have opportunities to share the story behind the art.
Tattoos certainly say something about the wearer. Some indicate that the people are family people with pictures of their loved ones. Others are pet lovers, motorcycle riders, musicians, religious, patriotic, gang members or any other type of passionate person.
They appear on arms and shoulders, hips and legs, hands and feet, backs, chests, breasts, butts, and even faces, necks, and skulls. Some tattoos look like they must have been extremely painful to endure and some must have taken hours or even days to complete. Some are colorful and some appear to be 3D.
How do you feel about tattoos?
Do stereotypes come to mind when you see tats?
What ink do you have and where?
How do you feel about strangers commenting on or asking about your ink?
Asking for a friend...
John <><
No tattoos here. I think they are too permanent. Something maybe logical to you now, but 10 or 20 years from now things will be different.