Monday, October 30, 2017

I might need to ride ...

I took a short ride to run an errand yesterday and noticed that I'm only about 150 mile shy of putting on 28,000 miles since I bought my motorcycle. I'll have owned it 20 months tomorrow.
Not bad for a rookie rider!

It is starting to get colder, and so I've put the liner back into my jacket and switched to my winter gloves. It doesn't get too cold here and so most days are still okay to ride. The biggest detriment to winter riding is road condition. For the most part, as long as the roads are clear and dry, I'm good to go!

The pastor of the church where I was Saturday night is a biker. He and his wife put a lot of miles on their bikes and we talked about our experiences quite a bit during the evening. Perhaps we will meet for lunch sometime. It was around 90 miles (one way) to the church, so there are plenty of places that we could meet and both get a good ride as a part of the day.

Well, the sun is shining and it's supposed to make it to 50 today!
I know it's getting cooler and there aren't as many of us still on the road, but watch for us old biker guys as you go about your daily driving!

John <><


  1. 28,000 miles is about 4 years worth of driving on my van.

  2. Wow! That's a real milestone! I average half of that in my car.
